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Harry's POV:

"God, I'm so screwed." I put my hand on my forehead, I was sweating. My Adam’s apple felt like it was caught between my index finger and thumb.

"Maybe Mary hasn't gone to see the queen yet, maybe she changed her mind and didn't wanna tell her anymore." Zayn told me, trying to calm me down, while looking at me with those big innocent olive eyes. I couldn't believe I was going to ruin his innocent like an animal. He didn't deserve that. He deserved a lover.

I thought for a second, what's the worst thing that could happen?

My mother wouldn't do anything 'cause I nearly raped a guy while drunk, would she?

Fuck that still sounded ugly.

"But you know what, Zayn? You're right. Maybe she hasn't been there yet. Maybe I'm over thinking the whole thing. Besides, even if Mary did, she doesn't know everything. It's not like my mom is meeting George, Thank God." I laughed nervously. Trying to convince myself nothing would happen.

Zayn looked terrifed.

"What's the matter, Zayn?" I asked him.

"You mean George, as in George the guy who used to wait the ceiling room?" He asked me. His voice was like a whisper.

"Yes. I mean him." I answered, trying to follow why Zayn's white like a ghost. If ghosts are white. Are they? No? Maybe like a vampire then. 

"Oh God." He put his hand over his mouth.

"Zayn, what's wrong?" I wondered again. I was beginning to get worried.

"George is Mary's husband." Zayn let out.

My face was blank. Totally blank.

Then, I couldn't help but laugh. I laughed so loudly.

The universe was playing with me. Or made that 'playine me'. Should I be shocked? I mean with all the surprising shit that happened today.

Could this day get any worse? 

"Well, that was unexpected." I laughed again. Sucking in deep breaths. 

"I'm sorry." Zayn squeezed.

"No no. It's okay. I am fucked. I am so fucked. But you know what? I fucked myself up. I self-fucked." I giggled.


Zayn's POV:

King Harry was getting hysterical. He went from laughing loudly to a fit of giggles. Then laughing again. Prince Niall looked at him like you're crazy but I don't care right now. And If I didn't know he's panicking, I'd totally have thought it was adorable. Well, I still did think that.

Dr. Tomlinson got out of Liam's room.  And we all run to him immediately.

"Dr. Tomlinson?" Niall's voice cracked a bit. And I felt bad for him. His eyes were puffy. His legs were barely able to carry him.

You think I'm naive or something because I'm concerned about him? I'm not. But I'm a human and my brother in humanity is in trouble. So of course I feel sad for him.

"I finished operating him. We're lucky the bullet didn't go through a rib, or we'd have faced a huge problem." He took a deep breath. "I've removed the bullet and stabilised the blood loss."

"Will he be alright?" Harry asked him. He looked he may pass out from how anxious he looked. 

"The next few days will be critical. I'll keep an eye on him. But I think he'll be fine." Dr. Tomlinson said.

Harry cried joyfully and hugged me tightly. While Prince Niall jumped the doctor.

"Woah." Dr. Tomlinson let out, smiling.

"Can we see him now?" Niall asked him, removing his arms from around the doctor's neck.

"Not now. Let him rest. Maybe in a couple of hours."

"Thank you." Niall said, his expressions beamed, as he sat down for the first time in three hours; exhaling loudly.


A/N: Hi guys! Sorry for the late update.

I was having issues whether to kill Liam or not, but I decided not to. It was for Niall actually. Niall would be so heartbroken if Liam died. And I thought both Liam and Niall deserve a second chance. Everyone does.

Thanks for reading x 

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