BONUS 2 (Niam first proper meeting and other stuff)

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There's smut in the chapter. You've been warned. Enjoy :)

Liam's POV:

I tapped my foot uncontrollably, looking around at the paintings on the huge meetings' room I was in. I was completely nervous, questioning whether I'm doing the right thing or not.

My thoughts were cut with the main door opening, I looked at it naturally, and there entered the King of Ireland, walking slowly, with his son behind.

I stood up, and bowed my head a little, while having my right hand over my torso.

"King Horan.." I greeted.

"Sir Payne, how do we have the pleasure?" The old man smiled softly at me. He was obviously sick, with his pale face; I decided to stay as far away from him as possible. No wanting to get any infection.

"You got my letter king?" I asked, my eyes drifted for a second to look at the blonde prince who was staring at me, moving his eyes up and down my body.

And I surprisingly felt myself becoming a mix of frowning and blushing under his hard gaze. Is something wrong with my face?

I saw a smirk on the prince's lips; he noticed my blushing. And I mentally cursed myself. Handsome fucker.

"I did. And to be quite honest Payne, I was surprised. I know the British Royals are like a family to you. So imagine my shock reading you wanna betray them." The Irish king said and coughs hard. I fought the urge to put my hands over my nose and mouth.

"That's a bit of the truth. But there's also a lot of reasons why I wanna do this." I let out, really wanting him to stop questioning me, I already had doubts here. Couldn't he just accept my devotion and shut up.

"I..*coughs* don't mind your service, Payne. But *coughs coughs* (no pun intended) I seriously don't want to pick a war with the British." He smiled down at me.

I felt my blood boiling with humiliation.

For heaven's sake, I'm offering him informations from the inside of the biggest kingdom in the world. What kind  of dumb man he was. Or actually what a dumb idea it was to come here and waste my...

"Father, I think you should reconsider this. With the help of this good fella we could conquer England and then put our hands on all of its in and out land." Prince Niall said and I seriously wanted to ask him, who's talking about conquering? I just wanna get my pride back from Harry. That's all. But maybe this isn't a bad idea after all.

"No son, our people are not ready for a war. We are already struggling to get food and medicine to people. We can't afford to declare a war, not that I want to even if we can." The King said with his blue eyes showing sympathy.

"But now," the king continued, "Why don't you show Mr. Payne his room, and maybe a tour on the castle?"

"Thank you, King.. but I must be going back tonight." I politely declined. Trying to avoid looking at the prince who hasn't took his eyes off me for a second.

I didn't know if I was crept out, or a bit flattered.

"No, you'll stay here tonight. You're my guest. Come on son, show him his way and make sure he's comfortable."

The Prince licked his lips, "Yes, father. I sure will."

"Please," Prince Niall gestured for me to walk in front of him and I bowed my head a little for the king before leaving.


The prince was walking behind me still, I was about to question him why since it's not like I know my way around here.

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