I have done an anime voice acting with real anime animation thingy, I do not own script nor do I own this animation for this is the lucky star
aah what is it do i have something on my face
in games when characters with glasses come to school without glasses
they suddenly become popular but i guess that doesn't happen in real life
no, I guess not unfortunately
anyone else think chocolate cornets look like drills
that's right
i just remembered we were talking about which end of the chocolate
cornets the head ,and how the thin end kinda looks like a but
hmmm altho if you look again the thicker end looks more like a but
a but
well that's a big but
and a layered belly
a layered belly on a cornet body flip it to the side and its a sleeping
body if you sleep too much you'll get a cornet body
lemme know when i'm supposed to laugh okay
Japanese Voice Acting Scripts
General FictionWelcome, this is a series of Japanese voice acting scripts. For the new candies (CC) doesn't just mean cotton candii owns this (author) script but also that you are allowed to use without permission as long as you link back to this youtube channel:...