[lucky Star] (DEMO INCLUDED)

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I have done an anime voice acting with real anime animation thingy, I do not own script nor do I own this animation for this is the lucky star



aah what is it do i have something on my face

in games when characters with glasses come to school without glasses

they suddenly become popular but i guess that doesn't happen in real life

no, I guess not unfortunately

anyone else think chocolate cornets look like drills


that's right

i just remembered we were talking about which end of the chocolate

cornets the head ,and how the thin end kinda looks like a but

hmmm altho if you look again the thicker end looks more like a but

a but

well that's a big but

and a layered belly

a layered belly on a cornet body flip it to the side and its a sleeping

body if you sleep too much you'll get a cornet body

lemme know when i'm supposed to laugh okay

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