Sharing Secrets

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Batwoman arrived in front of the Gotham museum a few minutes after the police. She knew that Diana most likely solved the problem but she really wanted to see the goddess again; even though this time, Wonder Woman would hopefully not recognize her. The loud engine of a black and red Ducati roared and the noise attracted the attention of civilians standing outside. Kate looked around, carefully assessing every detail around. She saw Diana standing near one of the police officers and then jumping away surprisingly fast. The bewilderment on Amazon's face was hard to miss. Batwoman's arrival started causing more and more unwanted commotion from the civilians. Kate jumped off of the bike and without hesitation followed Diana up to the roof. As she was getting closer to the edge of the building, the grappling hook wobbled more and more. The redhead was used to the feeling that it would break and she knew she would be forced to use her cape to fly back down to the street however doing that in front of the Wonder Woman would probably not be that impressive. She tried to reach the roof with her hand but before she could the rope broke and a loud thud followed as the hook fell down to the ground with a few pieces of bricks. Kate eventually pulled herself up and landed on her feet. Unfortunately Diana was already staring in her direction, clearly fighting the urge to chuckle. Batwoman cleared her throat, took a deep breath and proceeded to walk towards the other heroine.

"I expected Batman to show up." The Amazon started the conversation, failing to hide the spark of interest in her eyes as she took in Kate's appearance.

"Am I not enough?" The Bat joked back, one hand resting on her hips. Kate was feeling more confident hidden behind the bat-shaped mask, plus she didn't miss the sparkle in Diana's eyes, it was easy to use that to her advantage. Batwoman's suit was completely copying her toned body, making her muscles visible at all the right places. Since she was aware of that, Kate continued to innocently flex and Diana continued to enjoy the view for a while.

"Hard to say after that landing..." Her voice was merely above whisper but it was enough to snap them both out of the moment.

"I...uh..." Kate clenched her jaw, trying to change the topic, "What did the cop want?"


"Saw you talking with an officer Grogan...then jumping to the roof right away...did he say something?" The redhead explained and patiently waited for the answer.

"Oh this guy..." Wonder Woman laughed, her laughter was different than at the gala, not as much energetic as before, "Let's just say that...he could learn how to be more thankful."

"He's a dick." Kate growled and leaned back on the small wall decorating the edge of the roof.

"That's not very nice..." Soft chuckle escaped past Amazon's lips, she didn't try to contain it this time.

"And why the quick escape? Did he scare you with the rudeness?"

"That's why I was hoping for Batman..."

"Ouch..." Kate repeated Diana's gesture from this morning and discreetly stared at her, hoping to get any kind of reaction, "So I am not enough."

"Nothing against you...I worked with him a couple of times and we...well...we make a good team." She answered with a grin on her face, clearly remembering the times with Bruce.

"Ah." Batwoman leaped up on the wall, ignoring the sting of jealousy in her chest, "Sorry to disappoint you but he had to leave...unfinished business."

"Would you be willing to help?" Diana tilted her head to the side, her gaze not leaving Kate's face.

"I wouldn't want to make it harder for you." The bat retorted. She caught the sight of amused brown eyes following her every movement. "Clock tower, in an hour." With that, she jumped off the roof and left the Amazon alone.

Batwoman, Wonder Woman: LegacyWhere stories live. Discover now