0.4 Afternoon

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September 22 2018 

Today was the girls' first day back at school after break. Harry had gone to pick up the girls from school and nursery. Me being the very organised individual that I am, I had my girls down to a strict afternoon routine. They would come into the house, shoes off, coats off, bags in their cubby holes, get changed out of their school uniforms, afternoon snack, homework if there was any to be done, and then they were allowed 1 hour of electronic time each. After school was also when all the girls did their extracurricular activities. To say we had a packed week was an understatement. 

Monday - Brynn has ballet, Darcy has karate, Kaylee has girl scouts and the twins have gymnastics. 

Tuesday - Brynn and Noelle have jazz, Darcy has girl scouts, Kaylee has ballet, and Kennedy has kinder-gym. 

Wednesday - Brynn and Noelle have ballet, Darcy has karate, Kaylee has soccer, and the twins have gymnastics. 

Thursday - All of the girls have swimming lessons, Darcy has soccer, Kaylee and Kennedy have ballet, Brynn has tap and jazz, and Noelle has gymnastics. 

Friday - Dacry and Kaylee have soccer, Noelle and Bylthe have ballet, and Aelin has soccer. 


I was cutting up fruit for the girls' afternoon snack, Kennedy sitting on the bench beside me, happily munching on a piece of apple I'd handed her. Kennedy only went to nursery 2 days a week; Tuesday and Wednesday, the rest of the week she stayed home and hung out with me. I loved having her home with me, it kept me occupied, and truthfully, I don't think I can handle my baby being away from me all week. 

Kennedy and I flicked out heads towards the entryway when the door swung open and in came my six chatty girls and my husband. 

"Hi babies, how was school?" I sung out to let everyone know I was in the kitchen. I received a chorus of "yes'". 

"Girls go get changed, we're having fruit salad for snack." I called out as the footsteps disappointed upstairs. 

"Hey gorgeous." Harry came into the kitchen and kissed my lips, he stole a piece of mango from the pile I was creating and popped it into his mouth before picking Kennedy up off of the counter. 

"Did you have a good time with mummy today bub?" Harry kissed Kennedy's cheeks all over, she giggled while tucking her head into his shoulder. Harry hugged her closer to his body and kissed her nose. 

"Missed you dada." Kennedy gurgled and held his face in her tiny hands, returning his nose kiss. My heart swelled watching the pair. 

"I love you Kenny." Harry whispered into her bouncy curls. I smiled at the heart-warming moment. Harry truly adored every single one of our little girls. He loved them more than life itself. 

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