0.9 It's a...

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November 3 2018

I'd been waiting for this day since I discovered I was pregnant. In my opinion, finding out the gender of the baby was the most exciting experience in a pregnancy. Harry had been practically bouncing off the walls all day today. It was safe to say that he was just as excited, if not more excited, then I was.

We were currently in the car, about 10 minutes out from the doctors. My sister Kacey and her partner Danny were watching the girls for a few hours while Harry and I went to this very exciting doctors appointment.

"Are you excited Em? I'm so excited baby. What do you think our little baby's going to be?" Harry was grinning from ear-to-ear, his knee bouncing already.

"Haz settle down love. Anyone would think this was your first kid." I giggled and shook my head at him.

"I'm just so excited. I really think this one might be a boy. I've got a good feeling."

"But you won't be disappointed if it's not right? Judging by our track record, the chances are slim."

"Of course not. I love our little ladies, I love being a girl dad, and if this little angel is another lady, I'll love her unconditionally. But it would be nice to have some more testosterone in the house." I grimaced at his sentence.

"I can't believe you just said that." I groaned and shook my head while he cackled with laughter.

"You love me." Harry cheesed, reaching over to squeeze my thigh.

"Shut up and drive Styles."


"Emma Styles." A nurse sung out from one of the open doors. Harry and I stood up and scurried to where the young woman was holding the door open for us. As soon as we walked in we were met by a lady who certainly wasn't my regular doctor.

"Hi Emma. I'm Gina, Dr Falk is out sick today so I'm covering for her. This is Hallie my assistant midwife by the way." Gina pointed to the young woman who couldn't have been older than 22, she looked fresh out of university. Gina on the other hand, was an older lady, mid 50's most likely. She wore a kind smile and her deep brown eyes were covered by neon green framed glasses. Both women looked incredibly lovely.

"Nice to meet you both, I'm Emma, this is my husband Harry." Harry smiled politely and shook Gina's hand, as did I.

"So it looks like we're just getting bloods done for an early gender determination and then we'll have a quick peek at bub to make sure everything is going swell in there." Gina announced, looking at her computer screen the whole time.

"That's right." I confirmed, biting my lip to contain my excitement at the prospect of getting to see the baby. I loved ultrasounds.

"Easy peasy. Hallie would you prep Mrs Styles for her bloods please." Gina pointed to a tray with all the necessary equipment needed to take my blood, having done this several times, blood tests never fazed me. I simply held out my left arm while Hallie wiped it down and began the process. Harry squeezed my other hand, just to reassure me.

"So id this your first bub?" Gina asked in a thick New York accent as I felt the needle enter my skin.

"Uh, number 8 actually." I replied sheepishly. It always shocked people when I told them that, considering Harry and I were both quite young still.

"Oh, amazing. Well congratulations, I've got 8 kids myself, such a good number." Gina was definitely family oriented, she practically gleamed when she mentioned her children.

"As so sweet." I cooed, thinking of own babies.

"All done Emma. Gina I'll go get these put into processing." Hallie exited the room, my vile of blood in her hands.

"Alright you two, be back in the waiting room in an hour and we'll call you in for results." Gina shook both of our hands again and lead us to the door.

"Want to go get lunch?" Harry asked as we entered the maternity clinic.

"Definitely, baby is starving." I chuckled and rubbed my belly.


After a trip to subway and two decaf coffees, Harry and I were back in the consultation room with Gina and Hallie.

"Alright you two, moment of truth," I clutched Harry's hand tighter, he did the same, "baby number 8 is a... girl! Congratulations." I smiled from ear-to-ear. Our 8th girl. I couldn't wait to be a mum to 8 beautiful girls.

I turned to Harry to gauge his reaction, he looked over the moon, but I could tell there was the tiniest inkling of disappointment that the baby wasn't a boy. Nonetheless, I knew he would love this new little girl with every fibre of his being girl.

"So how many girls do you guys have now?" Gina questioned.

"All girls." Harry replied.

"Woah, you two are going to have a blast when the teenage years hit." Harry and I both laughed at that.

"Would you two like to take a look at your little lady?"

"Definitely." I couldn't contain my smile right now. Gina instructed me to lay down on the bed and lift my t-shirt. She commented on how cute my bump was before squirting a good heap of EcoVue on my stomach.

"Alright, here's her head. She's in a great position right now, I'll snap a few photos for you both." Gina continued to move the wand around on my stomach as Harry and I stared, memorised by our daughter.

"Oh God H, she looks so much like Brynn, look at her little nose."

"Gemma's nose." Harry chuckled and shook his head, not averting his eyes from the screen for even a second. Brynn scared a scary amount of similarities with Harry's sister Gemma, and this baby looked to be following in her big sister's footsteps.

"And here's little girl's heartbeat." Gina flipped a switch and the room filled with the melodic thumping of our baby's heartbeat.

"God I love her so much already." Harry whispered and pecked my forehead, mumbling an almost silent thank you into my ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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