preference time!!

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Hiya boi's here ya go another preference!!

What they get you for valentines day.

Johnny: johnny got you a gold bracelet you always wanted because he seen you looking at it all the time.

Sodapop: soda done the ole classic candys and flowers but hey you loved it.

Two-bit: two got you a y/f/c switchblade  with your and his initials ingraved on it.

Steve: it took Steven sum time to figure out wat to get but he decided to get you a little kitten with a big pink bow on it.

Darry: darry got you a very expensive necklace with matching earnings 

Ponyboi: sweet ponyboi baked you a cake and cuddled with you whilst you ate cake.

Dally: he didn't really know what to do so he just got you a matching ring like his and some flowers.

Hiya frans I know this ones shitty but I've been busy with my ducks so...BOIZZZ!!

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