unrequited love ⌲ steve rogers

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The love notes had started a few months ago. You were creeped out at first, not being able to tell who they were from, but since the avengers compound was protected with the highest security in the world, you knew that it wasn't from outside. And anyway, the notes weren't harmful at all; most of them were just small one-sentence pieces of paper hastily slipped under your door when you were on a mission.

Some of the notes were longer, with a select few boasting whole paragraphs of unfiltered thought from the anonymous writer. However long they were, you always looked forward to seeing a new one on your carpet. After a long day of bad-guy punching, it was nice to see that someone looked out for you, if only in writing.

Secretly, you hoped it was Steve. He was calm and closed off, but you were one of the first real friends he'd made in the compound, apart from Nat and Sam. Everyone shipped you but you both had always claimed you definitely didn't like each other like that; you were as close as siblings.

Your favourite note was the first one that was left just inside your room. It appeared the most anxiously written, with a tiny smudge on the otherwise perfect inscription. It was definitely the longest note you'd ever gotten. You remember looking at it with trepidation, flicking open the envelope fold with a nail.

'I'd never tell you this face to face. I don't have enough confidence. I feel that if you ever saw me for who I am, I would never speak again. I hope that when you read this note, the depth of feeling behind it will be conveyed through my handwriting.

I see you when you walk through the compound, tired after a day of work. I see you when you walk into the kitchen in the morning, grumbling with your perfect voice about the lack of coffee in the cupboard. I see you when you go out for dinner with friends, dressed in clothes that are surely woven by heaven itself.

Being stuck in unrequited love is sufficient enough for me; as facing my feelings, looking you in the eye and seeing the realisation of who I am behind your eyes is terrifying. I hope that you understand.'

After reading the carefully written paper for the umpteenth time, you breathe out fully and collapse back on your bed. If only you knew who this person was. After reading more and more of the notes silently slipped under your door, you had started falling for your mysterious unrequited writer. Their words were beautiful and sculpted with minute focus, their quiet personality shining through the pages.

A shuffling noise startles you. You sit up quickly, whipping your head around to find the source of the noise. After a second, you see the edge of an envelope starting to peek under your closed door. OH MY GOODNESS! Your writer!

You leap off your bed and sprint to the door, wrenching it open only to see an empty wall in front of you. Crying out in frustration, you grab the letter from the floor and run down the corridor to the main entrance. Someone is quickly running up the staircase, trying to escape your notice.

"Hey, wait!" You shout, the sound echoing around the marble walls. The figure halts. They are wearing a grey hoodie and baseball cap, disguising themselves from you. They seem to freeze up as you quickly run up the stairs. You reach them and lightly touch their arm, prompting them to turn around. They slowly breathe in and out, hinting at broad shoulders and a sculpted back underneath the clothing.

"Are you my writer?" You ask hopefully, praying that they don't freak out and leave. Yhankfully, they stay put, breathing quietly.

"Yes." They almost whisper, although you can hear their voice perfectly. 

'Hold on', You think, 'I recognise that voice!'

"Steve?" You breathe back.

Yn a split second, Steve turns and locks his eyes on yours. His emotions are raw, painted on his face. His expression is anxious.

"(y/n), I'm sorry, I should never have written them, I'm sorry, I should never have-"

You cut off his speech in an instant, pressing your lips on his. It feels better than fireworks, and you can feel him smiling hugely against you.

"Definitely? You really meant them?" You say in a moment of doubt, heart hammering in your chest.

"I meant them a million times over." He laughs and kisses you in euphoria. Your heart beats a thousand times, and you grin.



so what the heck is UP! sorry for such a long wait, i'm moving house at the moment and everything is crazy!

steve is such a cinnamon roll i love him

so what with the best film ever coming out on netflix a few weeks ago, you can tell where i got the idea about love notes. (cough to all the boys i've loved before cough)

to conclude, peter kavinsky is a gorgeous human being and if i don't marry noah centineo i'll have failed in life ;)

peace out, my dudes. sorry this was a long authors note lol - idk when i'll update next. i'm not gonna set a date because that'll make me feel bad when i inevitably miss the deadline but i'm (hopefully) getting back into writing now and i'll publish some stuff in the indiscernible future. :))

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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