you're safe now ⌲ bucky barnes

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You sit in the cool kitchen, sitting silently in the faint shafts of light coming from the streetlamp on the pavement outside. Your fingers brush the cup of water on the table in front of you, condensation pooling on your fingertips. The silence is peaceful, mysterious. From where you're sitting, it feels like you are basked in the otherworldly light of the moon. The dark around your chair is uninterrupted. Your eyes involuntarily close, calm and safe in your bubble. It hasn't been this quiet in a while.

Suddenly, a crash comes from behind the closed door to your right. You jump up, startled. Rushing through the doorway, you see your husband thrashing on the floor next to the bed. He's not fully awake yet, still trying to escape the terrifying nightmares that still plague him. You swallow your consuming hate towards HYDRA for a second and fly towards him, hugging his struggling form.

"Shhh, baby. you're safe." you repeat, rocking back and forth, stroking his long brown hair. He shakes against your touch, still not fully aware of his surroundings. After a silent while, he starts trembling. Confused, you tilt his head towards you and notice his glistening eyes. Your heart breaks for him all over again, and you lean forward and kiss his tears away without hesitation.

"Why me?" he sobs. "Why me?"

"You're safe now, baby." you whisper into his ear, and he leans more into your chest. "Nothing can hurt you."

He straightens up a bit, and looks you right in the eyes. His metal hand caresses your cheek and he smiles slightly, understanding.

"I love you now and forever, Bucky." you whisper and try as best you can to push all the feelings you can't explain into the sentence. After a second, he leans forward and lightly brushes his lips across yours.

"I love you more." He breathes against your mouth. You can feel him smiling.

You stay in that position for longer than you both can remember, and when you eventually stifle a yawn, he chuckles.

"Let's get you to bed." He hoists you up and lays you down on the streetlamp-illuminated bedspread, being careful not to hurt you or pull your hair. You feel the mattress bend downwards and turn to face your husband, promising him silently nothing bad will happen to him again. You wrap your free arm around his waist and lie silently until he slowly falls asleep. His chest rises and falls against your wrist and the movement reassures you enough to close your eyes next to him. Hopefully tomorrow night will be different, more peaceful. If not, you promise him you'll be there, holding him as he cries.


hihihi how'd you like the first one? i apologise if it's kinda awful lol

comment suggestions if you want, also vote because that's what everyone says to do so im also saying it - vote!

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