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The next morning at breakfast was... surprising to say the least.

For the first time since they started this whole thing, Sam hadn't left after their session, and had stayed the night in Colby's room, curled up against him. Colby decided he liked this new development. The way Sam would nuzzle into his pillow and insist on touching Colby at all times...

Colby found himself smiling affectionately at Sam as he woke up, bleary eyes squinting at him. "What're you..." Sam started, but then blinked. "Oh yeah." His cheeks colored and he pressed his face back into the pillow.

Colby's stomach dropped. Did Sam regret it?

"Colby," Sam started, voice muffled by the pillow.

"Yeah, Sam?"

Sam looked back up at him, eyes narrowed accusingly. "My ass hurts."

What the fuck. Colby burst out laughing he was so surprised. "I've been told that's what happened after you get fucked," He snorted.

Sam flopped back into the pillow, groaning, "Fuck you."

"No, fuck you."

Sam swatted at him and Colby dodged, still laughing. "Owwwww..." Sam complained, but his tone told Colby he wasn't really upset about it.

"Maybe next time you let me finger you longer?" Colby teased, grinning at Sam.

"Maybe," Sam responded, rolling onto his side. He looked to be about to roll onto his back before reconsidering the decision with a wince. "Depends my mood. Last night took too long."

"Well excuse me for trying not to hurt you," Colby admonished, chuckling, "Maybe I'll just have to tape you up properly so you can't stop me next time." He threatened playfully.

Sam gasped, lust and arousal flashing across his face and Colby felt Sam's dick jump from where Sam was pressed against him. An answering pang of arousal danced down Colby's spine in response and he nodded, "Yup, we're doing that."

"Sounds good to me." Sam leaned in to kiss him, and it was still so new that Colby got distracted from anything resembling coherent thought as he kissed Sam back, winding his hands into Sam's hair. Sam answered with a groan, pulling them together. 

Colby was just thinking about a round two when his stomach let out the loudest, most undignified gurgle of its life. Sam broke off the kiss, laughing at him now and Colby couldn't help but join in.

"Food?" Sam asked.

"Food." Colby agreed.

They stumbled into pajama pants, Sam wincing periodically as the movements pained him. He waved off Colby's concerned look, and the two headed downstairs.

Corey and Devyn were already in the kitchen. Devyn was cooking pancakes while Corey played on his phone. "Morning," He called, and Devyn waved as they entered, turning from the stove.

"Pancakes?" She asked, grinning at them both.

"Please," Colby answered, going into the fridge for orange juice. Sam poured himself a cup of coffee, and Colby noticed that Devyn was watching Sam as he went to sit down. His movements were already ginger, and he couldn't hide the wince and hiss as he sat on his sore ass.

"Oh my God." Colby looked to see that Devyn had dropped the spatula, her hands over her mouth. "Corey, they finally did it."

Corey's eyes shot wide open and he looked up at Sam and Colby, both of them confused and Sam still trying to get comfortable. "How do you know?" He asked.

"Did what?" Colby asked defensively.

"Look how Sam's sitting," Devyn instructed and Sam flushed.

"Uh..." He started but Corey cut him off.

"Well it's about damn time!" He called, before pausing and saying, "Wait, does that mean I lose?"

"Guys what?"

Devyn appeared to be thinking. "I think Jake bet they already had, and you said it would be at the end of the month so..."

"Dammit!" Corey yelled, crossing his arms and mock glaring at Sam. "Now I owe Aaron twenty bucks."

"What the fuck are you guys talking about?" Sam asked, looking as bewildered as Colby felt.

"They were betting on when you guys would finally have sex," Devyn filled them in helpfully.

Unfortunately, this still didn't make it make sense to Colby. "Uh..." He started, because what?! "Why were... how did..."

"I mean, you've been dating for a few months now and so we figured it would happen eventually," Devyn shrugged. "They were just betting on when."

"We...?" Sam looked at Colby, and this was not a conversation they had had, because yes they were, he guessed, in love and they did do all the sexy things together and Elton had even thought they were dating a few weeks ago and...

"Huh," Colby said, walking over to Sam to ruffle his hair a little. "I guess we are dating... huh?" And Sam just looked so surprised but relieved, but he grinned up at Colby and nodded.

"Yeah, I guess we are."

"I can't believe I owe Aaron twenty bucks," Corey groaned, the pout on his face only relieved when Devyn plopped a big pancake down in front of him. "Thank you, baby."

Colby just smiled faintly, kissing Sam's forehead to an "awww..." from Devyn. "Whadaya know?" He sat down at the table and waited for Devyn to bring the pancakes over.

Elton's words came back to him then. Or who knows, you could end up with a boyfriend out of the whole thing.

He grinned at Sam, taking his hand. Sam smiled, squeezing back.

I guess I did. 



Hope everyone enjoyed this piece! It's finally done, despite life conspiring against me.

Not sure I'll post any more to this fandom. If I do, it won't exist in the same universe as this piece, and will focus more on a bromance than a romance. But that idea hasn't fully fleshed itself out and I won't post it until I know I can finish it.

In the mean time, cheers! Thank you for reading!

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