Its too cold

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Meeting big tattooed pierced men may seem a little freaky to a normal person but whoever said I was normal? But meeting big tattooed pierced men your newly found dad has been working with for years is a little weird even for me.

We got to the venue my dad was playing at around noon, having to dodge angry old people on the bus and speeding cyclist zooming by. It wasnt fun playing russian roulette with street people. But, we somehow got to the gates of a big parking kot with a arena in the middle. Tony stopped and showed the security guard his pass and he let us threw, throwing a 'have a nice day' before closing the gate back.

We walked past some booths and stuff before arriving at a big long tour bus with a banner on the side that read,'PTV TOUR BUS. MEMBERS AND MANAGERS ONLY.' I stopped to gaze at the 4 ton beast. It was a long bus with tented windows on the sides. It was black and looked shiny in the sunlight, almost as thought it was glowing.

"You coming?" Tony called after me, already half way on the bus.

I nodded and followed behind him, taking one last look before stepping inside.

The outside didnt do the inside any type of justice.

The there were two couches on either side of the bus with a big flat screen at the end of one.  There was a small table to the left beside the couch and a little kitchen across from it. A long marron colored curtian seperated us from whatever was in the back that seemed so important it needed to be shielded. It definetly looked like it was being lived in though. Random pieces of clothes were scattered on the ground and couch;shirts, jackets, even someones underwear was on the back of one of the couchs.

I could see Tony blush and curse under his breath at his bandmates, walking past the living room and disappearing into the back. I didnt even think of moving from my spot. I was nervous to meet these new people. I didnt do well with making friends. Its still a mystery to me how I get along with Tony, probably because hes half of me but still. What will these people think of me? Will they like me? Or think im just another annoying teenager? What if they dont like me? What will happen with Tony if this doesnt work out? He would have to chose between his career or his daughter. God I cant do this!

Just as I turn to flee from the bus, I hear voices coming from the back. I pause and queitly tip toe up to the curtian. I lay my ear on the soft fabric and listen closely.

"Tony, I dont know about this." A man says, carrying a slight mexican accent.

"I agree, you dont know a thing about this girl. What if she isnt even your real daughter?! We could be hiding a fugitive!" Another says, this guy also having a accent. Are they all mexicans or something?

"See, this is why I left without any of you this morning. You dont trust me to make good decisions then you judge me after its done!" Tony shouts at the other men.

"Tony how could you not talk to me about this first?! For god sakes im your girlfriend!" I hear a woman shout. Girlfriend? Hes got a girlfriend? Im not calling her mom! But still, it sounds as though he didnt tell anyone he'd be coming back with more than just food, more like another human being.

"Tone man, can you even afford to take care of another person?" a new person asks.

There is silence before I heard Tony sigh and say admittedly," I didnt really plan on adopting her." I step back from the curtain, my mouth hanging open a little. He didnt? Then, whyd he come? I hear more talking so I quickly place my ear back on the curtain, ignoring the small hurt in my chest.

"Then what the heck were you doing there?!" the girl asks, obviously not to happy with her boyfriend.

"Yeah Tone, whyd you even go?" one of the the voices from before asks.

"I just wanted to see my daughter ok?! Is it so bad to want to see something you helped create?!" Tony snaps, his voice raising in anger. A silence falls over the bus, one I dont even think I wanted to be in but I remain glued to the curtain.

"I just wanted to go see her. Visit her and see how she was doing ya know? Make sure I wasnt going crazy, that I had actually had a kid that was wanting to see me. But when I got there and saw how it was there, I couldnt just leave her there. She looked so small and terrified in this big room all by herself and she didnt even talk to me till I mentioned Jack and-" "Wait wait, whos Jack?" one of the guys asks, obviously peaking other peoples curiousity for eveyone else seemed to ask the same quesition. It felt strange for people to ask about Jack. He was my creation. Not theirs. For some reaosn, I became protective over my 'imaginary friends'. But ignored it and kept listening.

"I was getting to that. Anyway, she was huddled on her bed and as soon as she looked up at me, I immediatly knew that there was no bull or trick or anything. I knew she was mine." He paused, letting the information sink in.

"Yeah yeah, all thats perfect and everything but explain Jack to us please." Tonys girlfriend said, trying to get him to move on.

Man, shes irritating.

Jack said, walking up beside me and peeking behind the curtian.

"Jack stop it." I whisper hiss at him, slapping his hand off the curtian.

He just laughs and leans agains the counter of the kitchen area. He takes a look around the buss before shrugging and looking back at me.

Wow D, you really got a set up here!

"Your like the thorn in my side that just wont come out," I tell him, kedping my voice low so they didnt know I was eavesdropping on them. He smirked and took one step towards me. He leant down and whispered in my ear," Thats why I'm a thorn, not a rose," He chuckled deeply in my ear before stepping back and resuming his previous position.

I just roll my eyes and try to continue listening to their conversation.

"Before I walked into her room, the head lady stopped me and told me something. Delilah has Schizophrenia." Tony explained. Another silence fell over the small room they were in.

"Is it bad? Like, does she know her halluecinations arent real?" the first guy who spoke asks.

Well, guess its time for me to make my appearance.

Jack prononces, pushing off the counter and going to pull the curtian aside. I paniced and jumped at him, only he stepped aside and let me fall to the floor. I hadnt noticed that I accidentally moved the curtian aside, so they all knew I was listening in on their conversation.

I looked up at the staring faces and froze. Tony was the closest to me, standing literally a foot or so away from me. The next was a tan guy with spikey long hair. He gave me a confused but curious look, tilting his head down at me. Next to him was a smaller tan gut with long brown hair and sliver ring in his nose. He was the shortest out of the men and was the cleanest skin too. Leaning out of what looks like bed was a tall skinny man wearing a gray beanie and had a diamond piercing under his nose on his upper lip. And standing right on the other side of me was who I assumed to be, my dad girlfriend. She was the shortest out of the five of them. Ahh, shes one of those angry small people. She had long brown hair and clean skin, from what I could see at least. Her arms were crossed over her chest and she was staring down at me, like she was wishing to could just teleport me away or kick me out.

I quickly scrambled to my knees and scooted away from the group of people. They were staring at me like I was a alien and I've been stared at too much these last few days to be comfortable.

"Hey hey Delilah," Tony says, getting on his knees and reaching out for me. Im not sure why but something in my brain yelled at me to not let him touch me. I reached out and bite at his hand, just barely missing the tip of his middle finger. He reeled his hand back and looked at me with shock.

"Delilah?" Tony whispers, his voice cracking a little.

I looked into his brown eyes and saw regret. I could see he regretted adopting me, taking me from the Home and bringing me back to his friends. He regretted meeting my mom and making me. He regretted having anything to do with me.

Delilah, just leave.

Jack whispered in my ear.

So I did.

I got up and ran from the staring people, from the family I would never have nor even know, from the last hope I had at having a true loving family, from my dad.

Im the daughter...of Tony Perry?!Where stories live. Discover now