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Part one

No ones POV

"Girls, let's check in what fans tag us" Hyebin proposed to the 8 girls sitting in the living room. They were watching their Instagram account and when something interesting came up to them they connected their phone to the tv and watch it together.

At first they were watching videos of JooE dancing silly, then they change to videos of their latest performances. They spend most of their afternoon watching videos and laughing, until they came across one that capture the attention of all the girls.

"Check this out, it's a video and Yeonwoo unnie you are tagged on it" Ahin connected her phone to the tv.

"It says, Yeonwoo probably you would enjoy this, you can thank me later" Jane read out loud for all the girls to listen, as soon as she finished reading Ahin played the video. It was a video of Nancy dancing to Yeonwoo sexy part. All the girls were surprised by their maknae and her sexy moves, but the one left in shock was Yeonwoo. She couldn't believe the sweet Nancy could seduce a bunch of people by moving her hips, but that wasn't it, she could feel her body burning by just hearing the fan boys screaming and cheering for her. She never felt this way before towards their maknae, it make her kind of jealous to know everyone was checking out Nancy and her dance moves. She clinched her fists by the idea.

"Nancy ya, you dance so sexy!" JooE screamed making the younger girl to blush. Everyone started messing around with the maknae of the group except for Yeonwoo. She couldn't get out of her head the idea of Nancy dancing and everyone being attracted by her.

"Unnie are you okay?" Ahin asked but Yeonwoo seamed to be lost in her mind.

"Let her be Ahin, the guy was right, she enjoyed the video" Hyebin chuckled with the other girls but still Yeonwoo was in her own world. This really worries Nancy since her unnie isn't reacting to what the girls said. She kept looking at her but Yeonwoo seems lost. Everyone moved on from the video and continue surfing through their social media's and after a few minutes of staring at the floor Yeonwoo got up and rushed to her room. No one seemed to noticed but Nancy, she wanted to go with her Unnie but didn't know if she would bother her.

"Ya, go with her" Daisy whisper while interrupting the thoughts of the minor. She wasn't sure why Daisy was saying that.

"I don't want to bother her, she seems to be tired" Nancy really didn't want to get her unnie angry by following her but she also wanted to ask what was up with the video and her reaction.

Nancys POV

"Nancy just go, she has this soft spot for you" Daisy pushed me off the couch and encourage me to go after Yeonwoo unnie. As I thought none of the girls noticed when I got up to follow her, only Daisy since she told me to go. I was really nervous of what might happened, when we were seeing the video I could only focus myself to where Yeonwoo unnie was sitting. I wondered why the guy tag her in the video and put that she will enjoy it. During the whole video I noticed how unnie put her fist together as if she was angry, maybe she got angry with me for dancing like that and smirking to the camera. But why did she got angry? I was walking to the stairs and started to feel more nervous than before. Every step I took I could hear my heartbeat getting faster until I reach Yeonwoo's room. The door was closed, I didn't know if I should knock or just enter the room. As I was reaching for the door knob the door opened introducing me to my unnie. She had no expression in her face, she look at me from head to toe and I couldn't uttered a word.

"Can I help you with something?" She asked with her husky voice, not even looking at me in the eyes.

"U-unnie...I wanted to talk to you...if that's okay?" Why am I stuttering, she makes me feel so unsure of me. Yeonwoo didn't answer and just move her body so I could enter her room. She slept alone and had a whole room for herself while I share room with JooE. I took a look at her room and it was kind of messy, she didn't cleaned it that much. I stand still near to the door, couldn't move because of my nervousness. You could feel the tension in the room. Dabin closed the door behind her and walked to her bed, she signalled me to sit beside her which I doubted for a second but proceed to move next to her.

"What do you want to talk about?" She asked while putting a piece of hair behind my ear. A moment ago she seemed so mad at me but now she is being really sweet.

"U-uh...unnie I just wanted to know...what was up with the video?" I asked stuttering again. This girl makes me become a fool of myself.

"What about it?" she asked looking at her window.

"Why did they guy said you would enjoy it?" she faced me and cupped my face with both her hands.

"He was right Nancy, I did enjoy some of it, but I didn't liked the idea of everyone seeing you dance in that way. And I know it's part of the choreography but...ugh it really makes me angry thinking about all the guys checking you out" I was left speechless, how could she enjoy it? Did she like the way a dance or does she like me. I was so confused by her statement.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asked getting closer to my face. Our lips were inches apart. I could feel her minty breath in my face...

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