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Nancy POV

Tiredness was the only thing I felt. It was a really hectic day and all I could think of is sleeping.

The drive from the stage to the dorm was really long, it took us an hour and half to reach the dorms because of the traffic.

We went out of the van to finally enter the building and get some rest. JooE was so tired that Yeonwoo unnie was caring her so she didn't have to wake up.

All of us enter after Hyebin open the door to our home. Ahin went directly to the kitchen before heading to her room, the other girls went upstairs. I wanted to get to my bed as soon as possible but everyone was moving so slow, it felt like and eternity to reach my room.

From all the tiredness I had in my body I couldn't change to my pyjamas and decide to go in my bed with my jeans on. My eyes were closing and I was ready to let my body rest until the door open letting the light from the hallway get in making my eyes hurt.

I groaned from frustration, I just wanted to sleep and everyone seems to be interrupting me.

"Sorry Aenan, I thought you were already asleep" it was Yeonwoo unnie and she was caring JooE in bridal style. They looked so cute, even JooE, she looked like a baby.

"No problem unnie" I turned around so my back faced Yeonwoo unnie and also I could cover my eyes from the light.

"I only came to put JooE in her bed, she was really tired you know" she put JooE in her bed and took off her jeans so she could be more comfortable.

"Where is her pyjamas?" She asked looking at my back and I just pointed out the chair were her pyjamas was. I turned around a bit and saw Yeonwoo unnie approaching to the chair taking JooE's pyjamas. She went back and started dressing JooE comfortably.

After finishing she looked at me and shake her head in disapproval.

"You should change too Nancy, your jeans look uncomfortable" she looked at me with a serious face.

"I'm to lazy to do it unnie, but I don't care all I wanna do is sleep" I shrugged it off and went back to my position to be ready to sleep. I was almost reaching my so precious rest until I felt Yeonwoo pulled the sheets of my bed.

"Hey!!" I shouted at her, I could feel the cold air hit my body.

"Aenan don't scream! JooE is sleeping as well as the others" she whispered to me and reach my waist with her hands.

"W-what are you d-doing unnie?" I could feel the blush coming and my body tensed up.

"I'm helping you change into your pyjamas, you said you were too lazy" she stated as if it was obvious, she unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down. I immediately cover my private parts with my hands even do I have panties on.

"Aenan, What are you covering for? I already have seen you in your underwear" she chuckled in low voice while sliding my pyjamas on me.

She stop when the pants reach my waist, but she left her hands there and hold onto me. I could feel the heat of her bare hands in my body.

"Unnie...I-i...thank you" she was staring into my eyes, I could feel her eyes making holes through my body. She went down and kiss my forehead. I blushed immediately but she didn't notice because of the darkness.

"Sweet dreams princess" she put my blankets on me and left the room. I could hear her steps while she was walking to her room. My cheeks were burning from the sudden action of Yeonwoo unnie, it was normal for her to kiss me goodnight but now it was different. She was different.

I tried to get the kiss out of my mind but everything came back and I couldn't sleep anymore.

The way she acted about the video, the almost kiss in her room, the barely kiss in the changing room, the jealousy and now this goodnight kiss.

She is making my head ache, what if this is just sisterly love and I am misunderstanding everything. I remembered the words Daisy told me before but I'm sure that I don't like Yeonwoo unnie, maybe...I don't know anymore.

After a while I decided to go down to the kitchen to make me something to eat. Thinking makes me hungry. I went down in silence so I wouldn't wake up the girls.

I was in the last step when I heard someone having a conversation in the kitchen, I recognised the voices, it was Hyebin and Yeonwoo unnie.

Curiosity won over me so I decided to hear what they were talking about. I hide myself behind the door where none of them could see me.

"Tell me the truth Dabin!" It was Hyebin unnie, she sounded furious.

"I already told you Unnie, why don't you believe me?" Yeonwoo Unnie answered, frustration can be heard in her voice.

"Because I know you like her Lee Dabin! You couldn't be more obvious, it's everywhere on the internet" Hyebin screamed at her. She is so mad that she doesn't care if any of the girls wake up now.

"Everything on the net is fake and you know it more than me. Why would you believe what they say, it's just a bunch of fake news" Yeonwoo was more calmed than before. I still don't know what is happening. It's about a girl, one of the members but who?

"Unnie if we are done here I want to at least get some sleep" Yeonwoo was about to go out of the kitchen when suddenly Hyebin pushed her to the near wall and corner her.

I could see everything from the corner of the door I was hiding behind.

"Don't be stupid Dabin, I know you like Nancy and I don't care about your dumb excuses!" Hyebin was glaring at Yeonwoo and grabbing her wrists against the wall.

"Stop messing everything up and think about the group, if someone finds out all the supposed rumours are true then Momoland it's over. I won't accept you having something with her, she is the maknae and you are her unnie, nothing more, understood?" Hyebin whispered-screamed to Yeonwoo while glaring at her.

All I could hear from Yeonwoo was a sight as she looked down to the floor. So Yeonwoo unnie likes me? What the heck is going on? What rumours is Hyebin unnie taking about?

"I told you already that I don't have any feelings for her I'm just being nice, now can I go to sleep?" Hyebin just walked to the other side of the kitchen while sighing, leaving Yeonwoo to go upstairs.

After a few minutes Hyebin unnie went upstairs as well and shut all the lights off leaving me hiding behind the door. I was relived but also I had this pressure in my chest after hearing everything they were bickering about.

Again Daisy's words came back to my mind. There is one question eating my brain, does Yeonwoo unnie likes me or she is just being nice to me?

Suddenly I felt the tears drowning my eyes, I couldn't contained them anymore so I cried in silence, being sulked by the darkness of the dorm. I was so stupid to believe she had feelings for me when she was just being nice. I let all my anger and frustration out.

The time passed by so slowly until I decided to go upstairs to my room. I felt my eyes puffy but i didn't care anymore so I just threw myself at the bed and sleep the few hours I had left before sunrise.

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