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Daisy's POV

We were already inside the building preparing for the fan meeting. Our manager was really mad just as Hyebin unnie because we got here late but it wasn't our fault, JooE had taken Nancy's phone and ran away with it. I bet she was eyeing our messages and that's why she took it. For the luck of Nancy, JooE didn't got time to read the messages between us.

Since we are on separate rooms we always text each other and this was and important convo between us, basically Nancy was telling me what happened with Yeonwoo unnie when the both of them where alone in unnie's room.

I bet Nancy likes Yeonwoo and Yeonwoo likes Nancy but none of them is going to confess to the other, and if Hyebin unnie knows about this she would kill both of them. Well...not kill but she wouldn't allowed them to be together because of the image of momoland. It's more than just the image of the group, is the bond we have between the nine of us. A relationship inside the group would create chaos, but I know Nanwoo can handle it hahaha.

Nancy was sitting next to me in the couch waiting for our turn to go with the makeup artist, we were already in the clothes for the meeting but makeup took more time and even more if you are talking about the unnie's makeup. I noticed Nancy was lost in her mind so I decided to talk to her. Aenan needs to let it all out.

"Aenan, are you okay? You know I'm all ears for you" I hold her hand and she looked at me, sadness was the first thing you could see in her eyes besides confusion.

She didn't answer me, instead she jump into my arms and hug me tight. Little whimpers leaved her mouth and I could feel small tears in my shoulder.

"Nanshii, don't cry. I can handle the baby of the group being a cry baby" her little laugh made me smile, Nancy is a strong girl.

"I'm not a cry baby" she chuckled and flashed me her smile.

"Is this about...Unnie?" I whispered the last part so nobody could hear our conversation.

We had enough with JooE trying to read Nancy's phone.

She looked down and just when she was about to answer me...

"Daisy! It's your turn with the makeup artist" Yeonwoo unnie called me to go sit where she was earlier, this means Nancy and her are going to be sitting together and I bet Nancy doesn't want to talk to her.

Before leaving the dorm we saw Taeha and Yeonwoo unnie holding hands, it seemed friendly but in the position of Nancy it looked like something else and after what happened in unnie's room she had some questions and this just made it worse than it was already.

"I'm coming unnie, hey if you need me I'll be there Aenan" I looked at her and she just smiled at me while putting her headphones on. This is going to be a long day...

Nancy's POV

For once I didn't want to attend the fan meeting. I just want to get some sleep and disconnect for a while. All that happened is getting me really stressed. Thank god I have Daisy by my side, she doesn't judge me and gives good advice.

Actually in the dorms I texted her everything that happened between Yeonwoo unnie and me but the I couldn't finish because JooE stole my phone and ran away with it, she wanted to read our conversation because we didn't want to tell her. And after that for my luck I saw unnie and Taeha holding hands. Maybe it was because everything she said to me earlier but I felt jealous just by thinking of them. And now I know that it's going to be worse, both of them are so clingy to each other in fan meetings. They are always doing skinships, and kissing but I can't be jealous, I don't know why I'm being jealous, I don't even like girls. But Yeonwoo unnie has been in my mind all day long. I love her as a sister we are really close but I can't explain what is this that I'm feeling. And I don't like her, we are in a group together and it's different. I was distracted in my thoughts when I felt someone sitting where Daisy was. For my luck it was Yeonwoo unnie, but I ain't gonna mind her, she can go with Taeha unnie.

"Nanshi" Yeonwoo pinch my cheek. I didn't look at her. I still have my earphones plugged in but the volume was low so I could get her perfectly.

"Aenan, talk to me" she continued pinching my cheek, I was getting annoyed. She can go pinch Taeha's cheeks.

"Aren't you gonna even look at me?" Yeonwoo insisted, she caressed my cheek.

"I'm sorry Nancy, I don't know what I did to you but please talk to me" she put her finger in my chin and turn my face to look at her, she was sad and confused. I took some time to admire her face, every little detail that made her unique and beautiful. I knew unnie was beautiful but I never take the time to think about it. Her brown eyes, her slim body and her long hair, unnie was a goddess.

"Nancy I know I'm beautiful but instead of staring you should talk to me" I heard her chuckled and my cheeks went fully red.

"U-uh sorry unnie...I was jus-t" Yeonwoo laugh before letting me finish.

"Don't worry aenan, now tell me why are you mad at me" her eyes looked directly at mine, she hold my hand and caressed it.

"I'm not mad unnie, I could not be mad at you" I just answer simply, telling her I was jealous of Taeha and her would be like confessing that I feel something but I don't know what I'm feeling.

"Then if you are not mad can you give me a make up kiss?" She looked at me with a smirk and I just blushed. This girl is making me a tomato.

"E-emm...unnie...I" she interrupted me with a kiss in the corner of the mouth, god I hope nobody saw it.

"Nancy! Your turn" Daisy called me and I ran quickly to the makeup artist. "I saw you two" Daisy looked at me with a smirk in her face. I felt my face boiling hot.

"It was her, really Daisy!" She was serious now, really one moment she was bothering and now she is mad? What is happening here?.

"I believe you, but don't let her play with you. If she really loves you she should tell you and stop playing games, plus she should stop flirting with everyone that is next to her" she said the last thing with a smirk and chuckled before leaving me alone doing my makeup. Why is everything so confusing and complicated?

Literally I'm having a mental breakdown, school is hard and I needed a break that is why I'm here updating, plus I have something to ask you. Instead of doing oneshots of Nanwoo what do you think of making this a Nanwoo story? Please comment what you think so I can delete the other chapters and leave it as a story.

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