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No ones POV


Love works against us,
it partners you with different people which only work as the trip, but in the end it unites you with your other half.

It takes you to your destination,
your real soulmate.

Love can be blind.

You can't choose who you love.

But what if your love was prohibited? Would you go for it? Or would you let it slip?

Both girls knew in their mind that having feelings for the other was wrong. It meant putting the group in danger, putting themselves out there for public criticism. All the years of training will go to the trash.

Either way both of them are blind of the feelings they have towards each other.

After hearing the discussion between Hyebin and Yeonwoo unnie, Nancy felt that all the years with Yeonwoo were fake. All the memories she had with her were of no value anymore. She was just being nice to her.

Her world was crumbling but she couldn't care less, her best friend was no other than a work partner.

While Yeonwoo was in a dilemma. She knew she was in love with the Nancy since the first time she saw her. Since finding Momoland she knew she had to protect the girl. Her natural beauty captivated her.

And now she was willing to fight for the love of her princess but the only thing stopping her was the group. She didn't want the group to disband because of her, because of a bad choice.

She didn't know which path to take, she wanted to follow her heart while her mind kept pulling her back.

Daisy's POV

Since I woke the environment in the house felt different. It's 10:00 am and there is no sound. Not even JooE waking us all up. That's a new thing.

I am no fool and know that everyone in the house heard Hyebin unnie and Yeonwoo unnie fighting last night, I can say the neighbours heard it too hahaha. I mean I only heard when Hyebin unnie started screaming then everything went silent again. Her screams wake me up and also Jane unnie. Luckily Taeha unnie and Ahin kept sleeping or that is what I think, last night when the screams were heard the didn't say anything, just me and Jane talk so I assumed the were asleep.

The house is still completely silent, I pushed myself out of my bed and started walking to the bathroom to do my morning routine. The halls of the dorm were lonely, I wondered if the other members are awake.

As I finished in the bathroom I returned to the room and saw Jane unnie talking to Ahin while Taeha unnie was still asleep. I walked up to them and sat next to Jane.

"So...Ahin you were asleep all night right?" I asked before spilling the tea. We should keep out of our unnies trouble, you don't want to mess with Hyebin unnie.

"I heard everything unnie" she looked directly at me. Now I know everyone heard it.

"Should we ask them about it?" Jane unnie kept on exchanging looks between me and Ahin.

"No" Jane answered seriously.

"Let's wait for them to tell us"

"What if they don't tell us?" Ahin replied looking at me directly in the eye.

"Nothing happens, we do as if everything is normal"

"Do you know what they were fighting about unnie?"

Silence engulf the three of us. None of us had an idea of why did they fight. This is what we always do when our unnies fight, wait for them to tell us or make it as if nothing happened. Usually they would tell Jane first because she is one of the oldest but I think this time is different.

"It's about Nancy...and Y-yeonwoo unnie." We were startled by the sleeping voice of Taeha. Everyone stay in silence for a few minutes.

"If you were wondering, I have been awake for 2 minutes. I tried falling asleep again but you kept on talking and I just couldn't" Taeha chuckled a bit.

"Why would they fight about Aenan?"

"Haven't you see social media? Yeonwoo and Nancy are all over the internet, fans are assuming those two have a thing"

"What do you mean by thing?"

"She means a relationship" Jane answered unbothered

"As in girlfriends?" Ahin attacked with other question.

"Yes! Why do you ask so much Ahin?" the desperation of Taeha could be heard in her tone of voice. I just chuckled at the clueless Ahin, poor kid.

"I don't know, I-I just don't understand why would fans think that" Ahin was still confused but I wasn't the one to explain her everything.

"I know it's confusing but just take a moment and think about all the time we have spent as a group, as Momoland" Jane let out a soft chuckle before continuing.

"Even before becoming Momoland, think about the survival show. Doesn't it ring a bell?" She put her gaze towards Ahin but the smaller just didn't have a clue of what they were talking about.

"¡For fucks sake Cindy! Do I need to explain it to you in English?!" I was beyond annoyed with her obliviousness.  I had to screamed at her in our second language to see if she catches it.

"They have been close since forever! They even have a ship name and fans believe that they are dating!" I grabbed her hands so she could look at me and process the information better.

It seemed that Ahin hasn't get it yet. Jane chuckled more and sighed.

"Not just that but the way they act when they are around each other. I mean the looks they give each other is way too obvious not to notice" she laid down in the bed and stared at the ceiling.

"Ohhh now I get it, but they are just friends right? Sister love?" Poor Ahin she was still confused hahaha.

"Yeah... just friends but you know our fans, every detail, every mistake it's going to create a story for each one of us" Jane looked back at Ahin and continued after a brief moment.

"They know us in stage and they know what we put out there for them but they crave to know more about us and our lives off stage so every single detail doesn't pass unnoticed by them" Jane was right, we only showed the fans what we were trained for.

No private live, no relationships, no nothing, if they find something about us it's because they did a deep research on it.

"Don't think the looks Nancy and Yeonwoo unnie gave to each other go unnoticed" Taeha was the one talking now, all our eyes went to her.

"In the end we are no one to judge them and their decisions as long as they don't have a backlash for Momoland" Jane stood up from the bed and was about to head out but I cut her from walking away.

"We are their friends and family, we should support them. If they like each other or if they don't, we should be happy if they are happy" I just wanted to end this conversation, it was so much stress and I am really just here to support my best friend.

I would not let Nancy get hurt, after all she is the baby of the group. And Yeonwoo unnie is the second oldest so she should know if her decisions are right or wrong.

"You are right Daisy, family... that is what we are" Jane came to me and Pat my head while chuckling. I know this tall girl didn't like affection but I appreciate the gesture.

The four of us headed out to get washed before breakfast. This is going to be a long day...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2019 ⏰

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