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Part two

No one's POV

Both girls were staring directly at each other, their faces were inches apart. Few minutes have passed by and neither of them has moved. They could see the need in their eyes, both of them wanted this for so long but they didnt have the courage to do it.

"Unnie, Nancy! lets go, we have a meeting with the fans" JooE enteres the room making both girls jump. Nancy could feel her cheeks burning while Yeonwoo only could scratch her head as if anything happen. Which indeed was true because nothing happen, they were just staring at each other.

"We are coming JooE" Yeonwoo looked at the girl with pink hair and started to pick up her essentials while Nancy was still catching up after the scare JooE gave them.

"Okay unnie, we are almost ready, see you downstairs" with that JooE left the room, leaving Nancy and Yeonwoo both alone again. The tension could be seen in the air, neither could look at the other. For some strange reason Yeonwoo was mad at herself for not kissing the girl but at the same time she was confused, she didn't know why she wanted to kiss her so bad.

Yeonwoo's POV

I can feel this pressure in my chest and it makes me feel really uneasy. I don't know what it's happening to me but Nancy is turning my world upside down. I want to talk to someone but I don't think any of the girls would understand me. I could only think of talking to Hyebin unnie but things could go two ways, one she would help me out figuring out what is this that I am feeling or two she could start yelling at me for even considering the idea of having feelings towards our maknae. The second idea it's more possible since she is the leader of the group and she wants the best for us, she cannot risk it with a dumb feeling. I don't even know what I'm feeling, really.

"So...I'm going to get my things unnie" Nancy rushed out of the room without looking back at me. I just chuckled with the image of her and her blushed cheeks. This kid is making me doubt myself. After taking my essentials and putting them on my bag I went out of the room and started to go downstairs with the others. Ahin, Jane, Nayun and Taeha were sitting on the couch waiting for the others while scrolling on their phones. I joined them and sit next to Taeha, she is a really good friend but sometimes too clingy with me. Maybe I perceived it that way because in fan meetings we are always doing skin ships together.

"Hi unnie" she looked at me and give me a kiss in the cheek. I chuckled and hug her. I really like spending time with her off stage, she is really sweet.

"Taeha, long time no see" she chuckled and gave me a small slap on the shoulder.

"We were just together about half an hour ago unnie, don't you remember?" Taeha looked at me with a smirked, I do remember them bothering me with Nancy's dance. It was the video that started making me uneasy with myself. I just chuckled at her question and nodded.

"What is taking them so long?" Ahin whined looking at the ceiling.

"I know, make up and clothes are supposed to be there" Jane second Ahin with evident annoyance in her face. After that we could hear someone running downstairs. It was JooE, she was running away from someone and she had something in her hands. I couldn't see what it was but I wasn't bother by it so I let her pass.

A few minutes later Nancy went down with Daisy. Both of them were mad and you could see it in their faces. "JooE! Come here!" Daisy screamed looking around the room to find the girl and behind her steps was Nancy trying to do the same. She looked at me and immediately blushed, I just chuckled and pointed out the kitchen because I knew JooE would be hiding there. Both girls left in a rushed to the kitchen. You could only hear the mess that was happening inside. Another screamed was heard but it was from upstairs. Hyebin unnie was walking down.
"Everyone get out! We are late, let's go!" Hyebin commanded and everyone follow her orders. The first to go out where Jane, Ahin and Nayun, they were heading to the bus. Taeha got herself up and offer me her hand which I didn't deny. We were holding hands while walking to the door when Daisy and Nancy came out of the kitchen. Nancy was staring at our locked hands and I could see sadness in her eyes. I was going to reach out for her but Hyebin interrupted us. She was pulling JooE from the ear and was scolding her. I started walking again and entered the bus, the sitting arrangement was Ahin and Jane in the first seat, then Nayun and Taeha, Hyebin and JooE who was looking at everyone with puppy eyes because unnie just scolded her really bad, I feel bad for her but that's what she gets for being a kid. And in the last row we seated Nancy, Daisy and I. I wanted to sit next to Nancy but Daisy wouldn't let me, she was mad at me, maybe because she also saw Taeha and I holding hands but it isn't a big deal, like we are friends and we appreciate each other's company. I just let it pass and seated next to her. The bus started moving and it was an hour long drive so I got myself comfortable, I was going to listen to music when Daisy whispered to me.

"Are you dumb?" She asked with her annoyed voice.

"I'm older, don't talk to me like that Daisy. And I don't know what are you talking about" when did this girls lose respect for their olders.

"Whatever unnie" she put her earphones and acted as if anything happened. I just shrugged it off and looked out the window. The rest of the drive was silent, nobody had the courage to talk since Hyebin was already mad and they didn't want to get her worse. When we arrived to the place the first to go down was Nancy, she looked so desperate to get out and behind her Daisy. Everyone was getting down and before Hyebin could leave I holded her wrist.

"Don't be so harsh on them, looked at the poor kid" I pointed out JooE. "She looks like a sad puppy"

"Yeonwoo, she deserved it and don't go acting with them as if you are the good cop and I'm the bad one" she removed my hold from her wrist.

"I wasn't saying she didn't deserved it but don't go to far, they are still young" that was the last thing I said, after that Hyebin went down the bus and started walking to the makeup session before the fan meeting.

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