Chapter twenty seven

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Isaacs POV

I shot up, my eyes wide. My breath was heavy and I was covered in sweat. "Isaac?" I hear Lena mumble. Her voice was rough and scratchy, her hair was a mess and she looked like she was about to pass out but she was still so beautiful.

"Isaac, what's wrong?" She asked. "It's...nothing. Don't worry about it" she frowns and turns to face to me, grabbing my hands, interlocking our fingers. "Please tell me what's wrong. I want to make you feel better" she pleads. I sigh before shrugging. "Just a nightmare" my voice cracks, just thinking about it. " want to talk about it?" She asks. I slowly nod before beginning

"Well, I was in a room. I was about 15 or 16 again. Everything was white in the room. White table. White floor. White chairs. There was a little boy and he was drawing a picture. I went up to him and asked him what he was drawing. He said 'I'm drawing them. They're coming' as soon as he said that these people in suits....They came and took me to this place. They wiped my memories and the last thing I remembered was feeling like I was drowning" I look down at the ground, trying to remember something. Anything else about the dream.

"It felt so real. I think...I think that boy...was me. Except of course younger" i feel fingertips under my chin and she lifts my head up to look at her. "There...was also a disease going around. At least I think. Killing people. Well not exactly. It turned them into...zombies?" I say, suddenly confused. She nods before sighing. "Well, please try and get some sleep. It's almost four am. And" she paused before shaking her head. "Never mind. Just...get some sleep" I furrow my eyebrows.

"What'd you need to say? I mean it's obviously important since your saying it's nothing" she sighs before looking down at the ground. " doesn't matter" she says with a shrug. "Alright well if you say so. Also...when are we going back home? I mean we can't stay here forever. Although that'd be pretty cool" I chuckle and she smiles before nodding. "Maybe in a few days?" She suggests and I nod.

"Alright. Did...we want to go back to our rooms so we're not squished together on this tiny couch?" I ask. She hesitates before slowly nodding. "We don't have to if you don't want to" I quickly say.

"No it's fine" I could tell she was either sad or disappointed. Maybe both. She stretched before quickly standing up. She cleared her throat and I got up, grabbing our pillows and blankets. "Thanks..." she quietly says as she follows behind me.

I set her stuff down on her bed and as I turn around to go to my room she calls my name. "Isaac? Could you actually...stay here with me? I don't really...want to be alone" she mumbles. "Yeah. Of course" I give her a small smile and she moves so I could lay down.

Almost immediately I felt two arms wrap around me. I chuckled at her before pulling her closer to me. After a few minutes I started to hear quiet snores, indicating that she had fallen asleep. I chuckle before closing my eyes and slowly falling into a deep sleep.

"Isaac...Isaac" I slowly wake up, seeing Lena in front of me. Her eyes were red and puffy and it looked like she had been crying. I shoot up, grabbing her hands in mine. "Hey. What's wrong?" I ask. "I...i need to go home. Lisa called me and told me that...well mom and dad..." her voice cracks and she begins to cry.

"Oh god. I'm so sorry" I mumble. I pull her closer to me and I feel my shirt begin to dampen. "Do you want me to drive you?" I ask and she slowly nods. "Please" She lets out a shaky breath. I nod and I lead her out towards the car. She gets in and before I start it I look over towards her. I frown before grabbing her hand. "Are you going to be ok?" She hesitated before slowly nodding. "I...i think so. I don't know about Lisa though" she said with a frown. "Well...I'll be here for you if you need it, alright?" She smiles slightly and nods.

We get to their house and I see Lisa pacing back and forth outside. As I stop the car, Lena immediately gets out and runs towards Lisa giving her hug. I could hear their quiet cries as I got out. I smiled slightly at their sister bonding before being basically tackled by Lisa. "Thank you" I hear her mumble. "Yeah. Yeah, your welcome" we pull away from each other and I grab her hand, gently squeezing it.

"So...w-what now? We don't r-really have a place to stay" Lisa stuttered, frowning. I see Lena's eyes light up and she looks to me. "Isaac...could we stay at your house?" She asks. "Of course. You guys can grab your stuff though" they both nod before walking inside. I go in and sit down on the couch, scrolling through Instagram as I wait.

An hour or so later they both come down, bags in hand. "Are you guys ready?" I ask. They look at each other and Lisa nods. "I think so. Let's get going" she looked around, examining the room before letting out a sigh. We get in the car and I drive to my house.

After we get there I show them their rooms and I help them unpack and put away their other stuff. After I finished I jogged up the stairs and flopped onto my bed. I laid on my stomach and set my head down on a pillow. A few minutes passed and I felt the bed dip. I feel somebody set their hand on my shoulder and I look up to see Lena staring back down at me.

"Hey" she mumbled before laying her stomach across my back. I chuckle and turn my body to where I was on my back. "Hey" I say before moving a piece of fallen hair behind her ear. She smiled slightly and pecked my cheek. I groan, smiling and sitting up.

"Why are you so adorable" I mumble as I flop down on top of her. I hold myself up so I'm not putting all of my weight on her. "Like...seriously" I make a weird face and she giggles. I let out a happy sigh before resting my head down next to hers. I roll to the side and move to where I was facing one way and she was facing the other. "I should probably get up. I've got to clean the house a bit" I sit up and stretch before yawning. "Nooo" Lena jumps up, wrapping her legs around my waist. "Fineee" I groan laying back down. We stay like that for a few minutes but soon I fell asleep.

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