Chapter twenty two

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Isaacs POV

It's been two years since I moved back to London. Olivia and I were together although she kinda uses me for popularity. I know she's using me but I love her. I don't think I'd be able to break up with her.

"Hey babe" Olivia says as I walk into school. "Hey" I peck her lips before smiling into the kiss. She pulls away before giving me a small smile. "So, I told my friends they could come over today" she says as she pulls out her phone.

"Oh...actually I can't ha-." She cuts me off. "We're gonna be sleeping over and I'm gonna have Jayden and Alissa there too" she says before setting her phone in her backpack.

"I really can't have you co-." "Anyways I'll see you later" she says before walking away to her friends. "Yeah. I'll see you later" I mumble. I let out a small sigh before getting to my class.

Soon school was over. I walked home and flopped onto my bed. A few minutes later I hear a knock on the door. I groan before jogging down the stairs. I open it to see a bunch of friends. "Olivia I seriously can NOT have you here right now" I say. Everybody stares at me weirdly.

"And why is that?" She asks. "I'm busy! I can't have you throwing a party at my house basically every night! Go to your own house!" I slam the door before sighing. "Shit" I mumble under my breath. I walk back upstairs before going into my room. I pull out my suitcase and begin to pack.

I hear somebody walk upstairs and into my room. "Isaac?" I sigh before rubbing my eyes. "What do you want?" I mumble. "I'm sorry. How ca-. What are you doing?" She asks with a confused look. "I'm leaving. I'm done with England" I say roughly. I zip up my suitcase before grabbing a backpack. I stuff my charger and a book in there before looking around for anything else.

I grab my laptop and mouse before putting it in the bag. "I'm sorry. I really am but I just can't stay here any longer" I say as I stand up. "And where are you going exactly?" She asks with a glare. "Anywhere away from you" I push past her before running downstairs.

It started to pour as I got to the airport. I went up to buy my tickets as I got inside. "And where are you going?" The ticket lady asks. I think for a moment before saying the first thing that came to mind. "Stuttgart, Germany" I get my tickets and the intercom calls my plane. I get on and put my stuff away before collapsing into the chair.

"Stuttgart, Germany. We will be landing in five minutes" I shoot up, my eyes wide. My mind went back to the argument and I groaned. I had no idea where I would stay. I'd most likely go back to my old house. It was still mine. We never sold it yet nobody's been taking care of it.

The plane stops and I get off. I take my glasses off, seeing as they're foggy. I bump into somebody and I put my glasses back on before seeing a girl with blonde hair. "Oh! I'm sorry about that" I say with an embarrassed chuckle. She looks up at me with a flustered expression. "It's alright. It was my fault!" She says with a small smile. "No it was mine. If you want I can pay a taxi for you" I say. She slowly nods. "That'd be great" she says as her smile widens.

We go outside and I catch us a taxi. I help her with her bags before putting mine away. We get in and I give the driver my address. As I say it the girl looks at me with wide eyes. "How long have you known that house?" She asks. I think about it for a moment before shrugging. "I moved there about two years ago" she let out a small gasp and I look at her confused. "Whats your name?" She asks.

"Oh...uh is-." "We're here!" The driver says. I nod before handing the driver ten dollars. I look over at the girl before giving her another ten. "You can use that to pay" I give her a small smile. I could tell she was gonna refuse to keep it but I open the door and got my stuff before she could. The taxi drives off and I open the door. It wasn't that bad. Just a bit dusty. I go up to my old room and set my stuff down. I decided to go out and get some food.

I jogged downstairs and grabbed my jacket before walking outside. I go to McDonald's and get a burger before going to Starbucks and getting a drink. As I wait I see there isn't an empty tables. "Well shit" I mumble. "Excuse me?'s you" I smile slightly as I see the girl from the airport. "Hey! And yeah you can sit here" she says with a smile. I swear it could light up an entire room. I sit down across from her and she sets her phone down on the counter.

"You never got to tell me your name" she said before resting her elbow on the table. "You never got to tell me yours" I say with a chuckle. "Ugh. Fine but I asked first!" She argues with a frown before beginning to smile again. "Alright alright. My names Isaac" she let out a small gasp before quickly hiding her, starting to become red, face. "And What about you. What's your name, Mrs. Mysterious girl I met at an airport" I say with a chuckle. She playfully rolled her eyes before smiling. "My name is..."

Dun dun dunnnnn lmao. what shall happen next chapter? who do you think the mystery lady is? Idk *Le shrug* '-'

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