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Aren's POV
I decided to walk Bella home from school because her dad knew me well and besides, Jacob was out with Paul and the pack anyways, so I would be walking alone anyways. "I saw you playing football with the boys. Do you play?"

She asked as we reached the first few houses on her street. "No. Not competitively, but I could if I wanted to. But I don't." I said and she nodded. "So what's the deal with those three? Is one of them your boyfriend?" She asked and I looked at her and laughed. "No. But I can hook you up with one of them. They're all open and there's about 12 more in the pac... group I mean." I said and silently cursed myself for almost saying 'pack'. Sam would've killed me.

I thought as I walked her to her door. "So what are there names?" Bella asked. "The guy who got the football was Paul. He's an angry hothead who gets pissed at everything in sight. Jacob was the one I drew earlier in class, he's my adopted brother, he's funny but is a real pain in my ass. Especially when I have to get him up in the morning for school days."

I said and smirked at the thought. "The last and youngest was Seth Clearwater. He's in Grade 9 and his sister Leah graduated four years ago." I said and she nodded. "Cool. Maybe you could introduce me." Bella said. "Yeah maybe." I said and she walked into her house. "Bye Aren." And I smiled. "Bye Bella." And as soon as she shut the door and the street was deserted, I raced off at superhuman wolf speed that no one but the shifters could match.

As soon as I hit the woods, I tied my clothes to my ankle and phased, sending up a howl as I raced away. I came to the Blacks and I reappeared in human and slipped back into my clothes. I saw Paul and Jacob arguing again and I walked over, my leather jacket on my shoulders. "What's the arguing about now?" I asked coldly.

"You apparently. And the human new girl Bella." Seth said, walking forward with Leah and Sam. "Do you guys not have an ability to stay silent for less then a minute?" I asked and suddenly I snarled and my gaze shot up. "Edward."

I growled coldly as the vampires stood at the edge of the tree line. "Stay away from Bella Swan." Edward snarled and I growled. "That's not your decision to make. Get out, now." I said, feeling my muscles at the ready to phase.

"It's useless arguing with the mangy dogs anyways." Jasper said and I snarled as they walked away. I sighed and walked inside. "You know where to find me if you need something Jake. Paul, Seth, Leah, Sam." I said and walked into the house, shutting the screen door. I smelled Jacob and he looked at me. "You've been acting strange and weird, what's wrong Aren?" Jacob asked, looking at me. "What if I told you I imprinted on someone who joined the pack recently?" I said, my voice shaking and unsteady. "I'd say be careful." Jacob said and I looked at him. "Who is it?" He asked and I looked down, twisting the ring that was on my right middle finger that was a moonstone ring. "Seth?" Jacob guessed.

I shook my head. "Paul?" Another head shake. "Quil?" And I shook my head and chuckled humorlessly. "You'll never guess." I whispered, voice shaking as I spoke. My hands were shaking too, and I knew it wasn't from the cold. "Aren just tell me what's going on!" Jacob pleaded, his eyes wide and staring into mine. "It was you. I imprinted on you Jake." I said and he flinched back, his face shocked. "I'm sorry. I swear I didn't know. It doesn't work like that Jake or I swear it would've been someone else." I said and he looked at me, his eyes emotionless. "I can't do this right now."

And he turned as if to walk away. Suddenly I felt his hand on my back, pushing me towards him. I knew he wasn't imprinting, it wasn't like that. This was true instinct. He drew me closer and I felt his mouth against mine. I shut my eyes until I heard someone coming, but Jacob either didn't hear or didn't care.

Suddenly I heard a choking sound that was half laughing half shocking gasps. Jacob turned to see Paul and Seth standing there. I growled slightly and stood next to Jacob, my eyes glowing red. "Sam is going to be interested to hear about this." Paul said and I snarled. "I'll make you a deal Lahote. Don't tell Sam and I won't tell your imprint that you're cheating on her." I said, my voice deadly serious. "You're bluffing." Paul said coldly. "No I'm not." And I pulled out my phone and showed him his girlfriend's number... "Okay fine! Your secret is safe with me."

Paul said, clearly desperate to keep his own secrets hidden. "Good. Now go home. Your Imprint is starting to get suspicious. I can smell it on her from here." I said and he snarled and disappeared, racing away. Seth just stood there awkwardly for about two minutes. "Go home Seth. I dare say you need some rest before school tomorrow." I said and he nodded and the young shifter disappeared. I looked at Jacob who shrugged. "Dad isn't home till tomorrow. He's staying with Charlie." And I smiled and felt him pulling me up against him. I kissed him, and felt his arm around my waist.

I looked at him and he clearly thought the same thing I did, and we were on the couch. I looked up at him and saw the familiar spark. I smiled and he leaned down to me again. After about 10 minutes, I went to the kitchen for some water when I felt someone's arms around my waist. I was pulled up against Paul's chest. "Come on. Let's go. While Jake's distracted." And I bit hard on someone's wrist and a distinctly female voice spoke. "Let's go." And I tried to scream but Paul jammed something into the back of my head and I blacked out.

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