2) You Lost A Hand Not A Stomach

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"A shadow?" Margaery questioned in slight disbelief and probably thought Brienne to be crazy.

"A shadow with the face of Stannis Baratheon," I confirmed. "My last living brother stabbed his sword through Renly's chest and disappeared."

Though I knew the black magic of the red priestess had done this, I wasn't about to go accusing her. Black magic that powerful was scarce, she must be very old and not someone I'd like having her eyes on me.

"One day," Brienne continued. "I will avenger our king and your brother."

"Joffrey is our king now," Margaery was quick to correct her.

"And even though Renly was my brother, Joffrey is now my grandson, by law."

"I meant no offence," She watched us both.

"And you've given none," Margaery assured.

Something moved within the trees, and my eyes landed on Jaime Lannister leaning against an oak, smiling lazily at me. "Excuse me, ladies," I stepped out of Margaery's hold. "I have someone to say hello to."

"Of course," The beautiful Tyrell girl smiled. "I should be getting back to grandmother; she's acting like a stubborn mule about this whole wedding." She smiled and headed back to the pavilion.

"Lady Brienne," I inclined my head towards Jaime, who still stood on the rarely used path leading up to the battlements looking out over the bay. "You may join us."

The three of us stood on top of the lowest battlements of the Red Keep, allowing us to look down on Sansa Stark kneeling by the small dock that was included in the royal gardens and only used by a small number of people. "There she is," Brienne sighed, arms braced on the stone in front of us.

"Looking as sad as ever," I commented. "I went to see her before I saw you, Brienne. She's overwhelmed by her grief."

The tall masculine woman turned sharply to Jaime and I. "You made a promise."

The Lannister nodded. "To return to Stark girls to their mother, who is now dead."

"To keep them safe."

"Arya Stark hasn't been seen since her father was killed. Where do you think she is? My money's on dead; there's a certain safety in death, don't you think?"

My hand came up and clapped the back of his head. "She better not be dead, Jaime."

"I can't do anything if I don't know where she is. She's been missing for two years." He rolled his eyes. "Sansa Stark is now Sansa Lannister, as is the only woman left to entrust with Catelyn Stark's daughters."

Their eyes landed on me, and I bravely met their gazes. "What do you want me to do, Brienne? Kidnap my daughter-in-law, former sister-in-law and take her where? Where would she be safer than here with me?"

"Look me in the eye and tell me you honestly think she'll be safe in King's Landing?" Brienne stood to her full height towering over me, and Jaime stepped in front of me on instinct.

"I made a vow long before I met you to protect Catelyn Stark's daughters. However, I agree with you. I grew up here; King's Landing isn't safe. The only person I would trust with Sansa's safety outside of King's Landing is at the Wall."

Jaime looked at me. "Ned Stark's bastard?"

I nodded. "Jon. Unless you want to escort her up there Brienne, which is a dangerous and long road to travel, that girl will stay here under my protection."

The tall woman 'hmphed' and stalked off, leaving Jaime and I standing together by the rail. "You know, despite our last meeting, it's good to see you again, Naveen."

Naveena LANNISTER :||: Queen Series #2Where stories live. Discover now