16) Here's To Us

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Slaughter was everywhere, the living getting butchered. My sword was sturdy and robust, cutting through the bones of a wight, and I spun slaying another.

I felt a presence behind me and turned back around only to find the wight I'd just killed, getting up off the ground. Don't these things die? Glancing around, arrows were being fired at the wights coming from the fence, through holes now big enough for them to squeeze through. Their animal-like shrieking sent chills up my spine. And though the arrows hit their mark, they had no effect.

"Naveena!" I ducked at the panic of Jon's voice and heard the whip of his sword through the air, chopping the wight who had snuck up on me in half. "Tormund, grab that sled!"

Jon tackled a wight coming through the hole in the fence, pinning it to the wooden structure which was wobbling under the weight of no-doubt a thousand wights pressing against it. A wildling archer sent arrows along the arms of the wight, pinning it to the fence and a streak of red hair flew past me. The two hooked the sled up to block the hole, the wight's body also trapping the sled there and providing reinforcement.

Jon spun around and froze, staring up at the tops of the cliffs. I followed his gaze and saw the four figures, sitting atop horses along the cliff's edge. It was too cloudy, and snow streaked across our vision to make out their faces, but the sheer sight of them had the already freezing temperature drop tenfold.

Jon and I dropped our line of sight to the building where the meeting had taken place, finding wights crawling in through the hole in the roof. "The dragon glass," I muttered.

Our eyes met, Tormund and the Thenn stepping forward with us and together we sliced and slashed, ducked and dodged our way towards the building. When we got closer, the doorway exploded, the giant, Tormund called Wun Wun, breaking it down and throwing wights off him. They crawled up his back, and he sent one to the ground, stomping on it and then broke another in half before running into the anarchy and stomping on some more.

Jon, the Thenn and I ran into the building, Tormund battling it outside. The place was on fire, the heat being generated could be felt from here, even in the chilling air from the open door. Opposite us, through the other doorway, a blue glow illuminated and a figure began to appear; a white walker, this one a leader. He radiated a chilling freeze, so cold the flames just burnt out with a hiss. The walker was clad in black leathers from an ancient time, long white hair groomed back, with a short white beard. And his eyes, like the wights outside, were bright blue.

"Get the glass," The Thenn directed and made for the walker, Jon and I not wasting any time looking for the bag of glass.

The Thenn swung his axe over his head and brought it down, sinking it into the wooden floor as the walker simply stepped aside. He roared and swung his axe again, this time the walker brandished its ice sword, a mighty long sword and turned the Thenn's shaft to ice and it crumbled to the floor. The shocked Thenn could do nothing as the walker shoved it through the Thenn's torso, its sharp tip poking out the other side of his body.

I shoved a chair aside and found the glass spilled on the floor underneath it. "I found it!"

Someone gripped my hair, styled in close braids, and swung me through the air. I hit the floor hard, rolling and my sword flung out of my hands. "Naveena!"

Something was broken, or I was severely winded. I gasped, desperately searching for air, Jon picking me up by the shoulders and pulled me backwards out of the shelter into the snow. But I still couldn't breathe, and the extreme cold was not helping. As the walker gained, Jon hurried to stand in front of me, raising his sword, ready to die to protect me.

Naveena LANNISTER :||: Queen Series #2Where stories live. Discover now