12) Giants?

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Davos went to follow his king before turning to Jon. "He sees something in you. It might not be apparent from his tone, but it's the truth. He believes in you."

"I'm sorry I disappointed him," The Commander smiled sadly.

Davos took a seat, while I stayed by the window, watching the pair. "The King is a complicated man, but he wants to do what's right for the Seven Kingdoms."

"As long as he's ruling them."

A smile slipped onto my face at Jon's words, and Ser Davos noticed, looking up at me. "He's the One True King. He has a blood right to that throne."

"I've sworn to stay clear of the politics of the Seven Kingdoms."

Davos glanced at Ollie over his shoulder. "How's the Night's Watch vow go again? I bet you've had it memorised since you got here."

Ollie glanced up at Jon, who nodded, and the boy began to recite the vow. "Night gathers, and now my watch begins–"

"No, not that bit, the bit at the end."

"I'm the sword in the darkness, the watcher on the walls, the shield that guards the realms of men–"

"The shield that guards the realms of men," Davos interrupted the poor boy, whom I gave an encouraging smile when he glanced at me. "That's what you swore to be. Now I'm not an educated man but the best way to help most people might not be sitting in a frozen castle at the edge of the world. It just might mean wading in the muck, getting your boots dirty, doing what needs to be done."

"And what needs to be done." Jon snapped irritably.

"As long as the Boltons rule the North, the North will suffer." Davos stood and shrugged. "Just one man's opinion."

Davos bowed his head in farewell, and I went to follow him out the door. "Naveen," Jon intercepted, making me pause. "Can I speak to you alone?"

"And if I say I can't do this right now?"

He blinked, inhaling deeply through his nose as I threw his words back at him. "I'd say I understand and that, again, I'm sorry."

Sighing impatiently, I took the seat Ser Davos had left vacant. Jon nodded to his squire. "Ollie,"

The boy nodded, leaving the room and leaving the two of us alone. I leant back in the uncomfortable wooden chair; it's surface cold. "Look at you. I remember four years ago suggesting to Commander Mormont to make you the next Commander. And here you are."

"Suggesting?" Jon queried, a small smile pulling at his lips.

"I may have threatened the life of his son across the Narrow Sea. I asked him to make you his steward, and he did."

Jon sat there, contemplating my words, knowing better than to be shocked by my tactics. "Why? Why would you do that?"

"Because Stannis isn't the only one who sees something in you. I saw it the first time I met you." I shifted, gaze flitting to the books behind him. "And I suppose I felt guilty."

He cleared his throat. "Guilty?"

"Guilty because though I love you, I couldn't be with you. And I knew it hurt, seeing me with your brother. Seeing me carry his child."

"Love? Not loved?"

"Yes, love," I snapped, angrily slamming my hands down on the table and glaring at him. I may love this man but seven hells he made me cranky. "I have been in love with you since I was nine years old! I love you more than I ever loved Jahal, more than Robb, both whom I loved with all my heart. You are the man who got away. My first love and the one I'll never forget. Is that not what you want to hear? Why is this so uncomfortable for you?" I stood, throwing my hands up in the air. "We used to be able to talk about anything, and yet you're sitting there wishing to be anywhere but alone in this room with me. Fucking hell, I fucked you and your brother–!"

Naveena LANNISTER :||: Queen Series #2Where stories live. Discover now