8) I Don't Care If Cersei Fucked Your Brains Out

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"Tyrion Lannister, in the name of King Tommen of the House Baratheon, First of His Name, you are hereby sentenced to death."

I still remember Ellaria's scream, me taking her into her arms and Jaime supporting me as she desperately tried to get to her lover. Eventually, she'd been brought back to the castle with me, everyone successfully keeping her away from Oberyn who's head was nothing more than a puddle of blood. She was now on her way back to Dorne with the destroyed body of her paramour.

The Mountain had died from his wounds and Cersei was currently working with her new pet Qyburn to bring him back to life. He'd taken over Grand Maester Pycelle's laboratory and had royally pissed him off. Pycelle couldn't walk two steps without going on about how Qyburn had been expelled from the citadel for his unusual and downright disturbing curiosities.

It was the day before Tyrion's beheading, and I currently stormed the hallway leading to Jaime's chamber. As Lord Commander of the King's Guard, he had his own office and different room than the one he usually would have.

As I came to the corner of the hallway, the door to Jaime's room opened, and I stepped back, staying hidden. Cersei left the room, a genuine smile on her face and walked down the rest of the hall, in the opposite direction. Shit.

Crossing the hallway, I slipped into the room to find Jaime sipping on some wine. His pant draw-strings were tied at least, but his shirt had been removed, showing off his toned figure. I would be lying if I said I didn't openly stare at him. I shut the door, turning to him with a hiss. "We have to do something about your brother–"

"I know."

"I don't care if Cersei fucked your brains out, we have to save him."

"I know."

"We– Wait," I realised he'd agreed with me the whole time. "Cersei didn't come in here and fuck your brains out?"

Jaime rolled his eyes and stood, pulling his shirt back on much to my disappointment. "It doesn't matter. Tyrion's my brother; I can't just let him die. Now, I have a plan."

He relayed his foolproof plan. Being the Lord Commander of the King's Guard meant you could manipulate the lookouts guarding the castle, without making it seem you were involved. I added a few things, coming up with other escape routes and plans in case something went wrong. The more I questioned; the more Jaime began to pick up on my underlying nervousness.

"Naveen," He sat forward, placing his hand over mine. "This is a good plan. What's wrong?"

Throwing my eyes around the room, I swallowed, my emotions heightened with the absolute terror I felt if this plan didn't work. Looking up into his concerned green eyes, I wondered if what I was about to tell him would be relayed back to Cersei within an hour of my departure. "I won't be coming back either."

He frowned in confusion. "What, you'll go with Tyrion?"

I shook my eyes, watching him. "No, I'll head north, to the last person in this godforsaken world I trust."

"Ned Stark's bastard," He lifted his chin in realisation, then nodded. "You'll be safe there, at the Night's Watch. I won't tell Cersei until she's over Tyrion's escape, but she will understand. When it comes to you, she always understands."

Smiling, I walked round to his chair and leant down, placing a soft lingering kiss on his lips. "I'll see you tonight, I need to go get some last-minute affairs in order." He nodded, stunned by the kiss and watched as I left.


Most of what I needed to do could be done in the daylight, like packing a saddlebag filled with daggers, long knives, a small amount of food stolen from the kitchen that wouldn't be missed, and most importantly, Jahalla. She would be with me the whole time while I was with Jamie helping breakout Tyrion and must go undetected.

Naveena LANNISTER :||: Queen Series #2Where stories live. Discover now