Virgil/ The storm

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Your POV...

I was shacking trying to keep myself calm, I was driving to Thomas's house for a sleepover, but most things wouldn't be such a good idea as everyone knew I'm scread of storm's. I got out of my car and ran to the door, I knocked on the door waiting for someone to open the door. Lightning striked the street and I screamed in fear. I banged on the door begging for someone to open the door.

"Y/N what are you doing here?" Virgil asked as he opened the door, I ran in and landed on the couch crying "Y/N why are you crying?"

"The sleepover is here, and I'm scread!" I sniffed another bang came and Virgil ducked down next to the couch "are you scread?"

"Uh..."Virgil paused "No, I'm going to my room" Virgil said as he started to walk up the stairs "dose my Princess want to come?"

"I'm not your Princess!" I whispered "but yes!" I ran up to Virgil and he grabbed my wrist before I could run past him

"I need to tell you some thing"


I screamed and hid my head into Virgil's chest "yes?" I whispered after the boom.

"Lets go to my room first" Virgil said as he picked me up "Stay calm, sshh your okay I got you" Virgil calmed me down as he softly rubbed my back as he put me on his bed.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked after the storm cleared up

"Y/N I've had a huge crush on you and well I love you!" Virgil played with his jacket

"Virgil," I said as I put my hand on his check "That took a lot of courage to say, I wish I had the courage to say it back"

"You love me?" Virgil pointed to his face "why me?"

"Cause your a amazing, cute little..." I cut myself of before I could say the word


"cute little kitten!" I said in a rush "I love you Virgil Sanders!"

"I love you too Y/N, your my little emo" Virgil kissed my check

"Virgil..." I whispered 


"Why aren't you my boyfriend?"

"I can be if you want me to be Y/N/N" (Your Nick Name) Virgil said as he kissed me roughly

"I would like that" I smiled as I put me arms around his neck

"Good, now be a good girl" Virgil smirked "Your mine!"

"Only yours" I said as Virgil sucked my neck, within two seconds he found my soft spot. Virgil started to unbutton my shirt as I took his jacket. Vigil stopped kissing my neck and took his T-shirt of revealing a six pack.

"You like?" Virgil toyed as he got up and took his jeans off "take them off!" I nodded at Virgil and took my shorts off, Virgil crashed his lips on to mine I moaned into the kiss and Virgil stuck his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues danced and explored each other's  mouths, we broke the kiss gasping for air. "wanna play?"

"I thought we were!" I whined

"Oh?" Virgil smirked "Hold on, your in for a treat"

"I'll just feel you" I said as I put my arms around his neck, Virgil sucked my neck while taking my under wear off a long with his.

"Tell me when you want to stop, ok?"

"Okay" I said as he entered I screamed out in pleasure, as he went faster and faster."Virgil!" I screamed

"did I hurt you?" he asked quickly as he stopped

"No kitten, course not" I said as my hand slipped onto his check "You can never hurt me"

"Okay" Virgil smiled as he restarted, I kept screaming in pleasure then I notice blood on the bed.

"Virgil, stop!" I screamed as he looked at me in confusion "There's blood" I said as he exited

"was that your first time?" Virgil asked as he got dressed

"No but..." I was happy of what I was thinking "you did use a condom right?"

"No..." Virgil looked at me "Period?" I nodded as Virgil handed me his jacket "Y/N why didn't you tell me?"

"I forgot" I said as I sat on the floor "I'm sorry"

"It's  okay" Virgil whispered as I cried into his shoulder.

"KIDDOS! WE'RE BACK!" Patton yelled through the house

"Lets clean this up" I said as we quickly changed the bedding, got dressed and tidied each other up. I face planted the bed as a knock came on the door. Virgil opened the door to reveal a very disturbed Logan, a exited Patton, a sad Roman and a confused Thomas.

"Yes?" Virgil said nevoursly

"Yes? is that all you can say? All night I've heard you two scream and play around!" Logan yelled

"Ugh!" I groaned as I felt something move inside my belly "Virgil!"

"I'm talking to you lot later!" Virgil said as he closed the door and walked over to me "is everything okay?"

"Uh... of course everything is fine soon-to-be-daddy!" I giggled

"You mean?"

"Yep, totally worth it" I giggled

"I love you Y/N" Virgil said as he hugged me

"I love you too Virgil"

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