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Logan's POV...

I walked to school happily, Today I was going to get my test results back and see if I'm going to help tutor kids. I walked through the doors and headed to the library, I saw students celebrating and some looking at me nervously. I started to get nervous, I got to the reception and Mary the librarian gave me my paper. I looked at it and it had a a big F with a circle around it. "Fail? but I studied so hard for this test! how could I fail?!" I asked myself while leaving.

"Mr.Sanders, I forgot to give you this!" Mary the librarian said while handing a piece of paper to me "I am sorry, Logan"

"Whatever" I said walking to my first lesson, I looked at the paper it was about tutoring. I placed my finger on the paper and searched for my name "Logan Sanders tutored by Y/F/N... *Your full name* What?!"


I walked to the Library to meet my Tutor I sat at a round table waiting for someone, I saw a girl who was talking to her friends and Mary. She looked kinda cute in her outfit:

I heard my name a couple of times, the girls started to laugh as Mary pointed to me

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I heard my name a couple of times, the girls started to laugh as Mary pointed to me. I turned my head and started to look around of where I was saying, The girls said good bye and the girl walked up to me "Hey, Logan right?" she asked sweetly

"Uh... Yeah, I'm Logan!"I said in a rush "You must be Y/N?"

"Yep, okay so Today I thought we could get to know how we do things. Like say now you went to do 492 times 948, now I would do chines windows. how would you do it?"She said as she sat down opposite me.

"Uh... Use a calculator?"I said in a question

"Okay, I grew up with no calculator's. I always used my times table, do you know them all?"

"N-no..."I said dryly "I know most of them like my one's, two's, three's, five's, ten's and eleven's"

"Okay, I see where we need to work then... So the way I learned my times tables was in a game so my parents encouraged me to learn"She said getting a piece of paper out of her bag "But also when I was at school and I wanted to play the game, I would make a flower and write some questions, then add more questions and write the answers on the back..."she said as she did the flower "like so"

"oh okay?"

"try it!"she smiled as she handed me the flower "No calculator"

"Okay"I did what she written on the flower and succeeded "That was easy!"

"Only cause I made it easy for you! I got practice, here's my number call me if you want to do some extra tutoring" she said as she put her bag on her shoulder "Bye Logan!"

She's too cute! I can't believe she's tutoring me! What does she mean by practice? I packed my stuff and followed her to the drama studio, she walked onto the stage and looking around "My princess!" someone said as he walked onto the stage

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