Deceit/pretty little psycho?

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Your POV...

I smirked as I looked a terrified family crying, "You wont be hurt, all you gotta do is tell the cops. I was never hear... got it?" I laughed as they nodded slowly "good" with that I ran out of the house laughing. I ran towards my hide out, my home. It isn't much but it's home, just a abandon two story house but it was home. I changed into my pajamas and washed up the blood. I heard cops outside, I grabbed all of my stuff and went out the back way. I ran down the street tired, I've been running all night. I saw a house that had a swing on the porch, I walked the rest of the way and collapsed on the swing. The door opened and someone walked outside talking to someone "Come on Patton, how are we supposed to go wo- uh guys you might want to see this"

"whats wrong kid- oh... who's this?"

"I don't know, but she looks exhausted. We should take her inside so she doesn't get cold"

"Agreed kiddo" with that one boy picked me in a bridle pose and one got my bag "I'm putting her on the couch" I felt so comfy when I laid on the couch "how long do you think she's been out there? Logan?"

"Well before we walked back in I looked at the swing and it just looked like she just got there so not long, but how long has she been running?"I couldn't cope anymore, I yawned and fluttered my eyes open while sitting up "well looks like we're going to find out"

"Hello?"I smiled sweetly as I saw a guy with a blue neck tie, black shirt, black jeans and black shoe's. Another guy with a blue T-shirt, grey/white jacket tied around his neck, white jeans and black shoe's. Both wearing glasses.

"Hello my name is Logan and this is Patton"the one with the neck tie said dryly while the other one smiled while waving like mad

"Okay... your friend is freaking me out"I said as I backed away from them "I'm (Y/N)"

"Hello (Y/N), How old are you?"Patton said as he sat next to me"I don't bite"

"Uh... I'm 13, why?"I asked as I become more comfortable with them

"Oh, Logan can we adopt her?"Patton jumped up and down

"Patton came down, we don't even know if she has a family" Logan said while holding Patton's shoulders 

"I don't have a family"I said sadly "and I'm off the grid, my family died in a plane crash three years ago. I was staying with my grandma, around six months later she died. So the I removed myself from the grid"

"Why?"Patton asked

"didn't want to go to a stupid orphanage, so I disappeared before they could take me"I said as a tear ran down my face 

"Aw kiddo, we'll look after you! right Logan?"Patton said sweetly

"Uh, are you sure want to adopt me? I am a bit crazy"I said as Logan nodded

"How kiddo?"

"I just get a bit crazy when I'm festered, like when I have homework and I can't answer the question I start to scream"I sighed as Patton held me close and Logan sat next to me

"You sound like Deceit, Virgil's and Roman's son. He's basically like you! you should meet him! Yay! I get to see my dark strange son again! oh goody! we get to have a Disney movie day!"Patton got really exited while I just smiled while Logan just sighed "It's going to be the best day!"

"Patton, how about we get (Y/N) settled in first yeah?"Logan smiled

"Of course! You an have the guest room! and make it your room!"Patton said while he grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs to my room. My room... "Here it is! Mine and Logan's is opposite yours! the bathroom is down the corridor! Tell us if you want to go shopping for your room! we'll be down stairs!"

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