Birthday Schedule(September)

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Sky: hey guys~!! This is the last birthday schedule!! I think?
Tsuna: you think?
Sky: Mmm......I don't know if we even had a birthday schedule for October yet....
Tsuna: uh...
Sky: ....
Tsuna: okay this is awkward.
Sky: let's just...start the schedule.

01- Kikyo (S: so it was yesterday huh. T: I guess we forgot about it.)

09- Gokudera Hayato (T: I think Yamamoto-kun's gonna go all out for Gokudera-kun's party. S: and don't forget Bianchu too.)

12- G (S: wow. What a coincidence. T: it sure is.)

20- Shitt P. (T: I wonder how will Gokudera-kun react to this. S: who knows.)

26- Gamma (S: do you have anything to say? T:

Tsuna: well that ends it I guess?
Sky: school has been pretty hectic lately.
Tsuna: I must say. You are getting a BIT busier.
Sky: the way you say that actually shows that you're insulting me.
Tsuna: ....
Sky: I wanna transfer schools so badly...
Tsuna: what happened this time?
Sky: someone actually stole my fan and stapler!
Tsuna: so?
Sky: it has a sentimental value!! My mom gave it to me! What's worst is that it has my mom's name on them!
Tsuna: whoever that person is, I wish them good luck.
Sky: if only I know how to curse people, I would've done that a long time ago.
Tsuna: congrats by the way.
Sky: congrats for what?
Tsuna: congrats for getting 4th place in feature writing(English), even if it was only inside your school.
Sky: yeah, thanks.
Sky: I may publish other chapters later if I could find where I place my notes.
Tsuna: and that ends this show.
Sky & Tsuna: bye bye!
   Hi guys. It's me the author. It's true that it's getting a bit busier for me. And it's also true that someone stole my fan and stapler that was given to me by my mom. They actually have the guts to open other people's bag! I know that the person who stole them aren't close friends of mine nor do I trust them enough! How rude can they be?

   And now I'm actually ranting. I'm gonna update later if I could find my notes of where I place my drafts. Honestly, I placed it in different notebooks....I think this is the last birthday schedule...

   I'm gonna try updating other stuff that could be placed monthly. So see you guys soon!

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