Love & Acceptance P2

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IMPORTANT NOTE: Read the first chapter in this book to understand this post.


"Shh! My parents will sue me if we get caught!" Brendon hissed as Xavier climbed through the window. Once they'd arrived, the pair began the routine that they'd become all to familiar with. Brendon, as per usual, locked up his car in the garage and went upstairs, opening his window for the white blonde to climb through.

"Oh please. They sleep on the other side of the house. We'll be fine." Xavier stated, shutting the window behind him. "Spare clothes?"

"You know where they are. I'm going to have a shower. Try not to get into trouble while I'm in there." Brendon said, pulling off his suit.

"If you want me to stay out of trouble I could always join you. That way you can keep an eye on me." Brendon spluttered, turning as red as his hair.


Xavier leaned forwards, right into Brendon's face and said tauntingly, a finger to his lips, "Shh... Don't want to wake up your parents."

"You-you-" Brendon gave up. He could never win against Xavier. He slammed the door to the bathroom shut.

"So is that a yes?" Xavier quietened, waiting for a response.

"NO!" Xavier laughed, falling back onto the comfy double bed.


Brendon groaned in annoyance as the early morning sunlight filtered through his curtains, chasing away the night and casting beams of light into his eyes. He threw an arm over his eyes.

His sheets felt heavier than usual. Far heavier. For a good reason too.

Splayed across his torso was Xavier. His white blonde hair seemed to almost glow in the sunlight. The long tips tickled his chin. Xavier looked so peaceful when he slept. So carefree.

That very same carefree child was using Brendon as a pillow, laying half on and half off of him. The ginger rolled his eyes.

Time to wake up.

"Get off me you fat heffalump!" Brendon nudged Xavier's shoulder.

"Brendon? Who are you talking to?" Brendon cursed when he heard his mother's voice from the other side of the door.

Xavier needed to hide.

But the unhelpful bastard was still sound asleep.

"Uh, no one mum! Just- just myself!" He had no choice. He pushed Xavier further down the bed and pulled the sheets up to his chin. Then he rolled over onto Xavier.

"Mpfh!" Xavier complained, struggling to get up, very much awake now. Brendon kicked him to make him shut up.

"Are you sure?" The door opened and Brendon was positive he looked rather suspicious. But like him, his mother also had glasses for her terrible eyesight, which thankfully she wasn't wearing.

"Yeah, just having a dream. Thought my covers were something else." Xavier stopped struggling.

Neither teenager was very comfortable. Xavier's head was digging into Brendon's stomach. Each boy was suffocating in their own way.

"Ah, please don't come in mum! I'm-im-" he needed an excuse, fast. "I'm not wearing anything. I'm naked!" He wasn't, sleeping pants remained secure around his hips. Xavier squeezed his eyes shut and tried desperately not to think too hard about the image lurking in his mind from those words.

"Oh dear! Of course! Be sure to come down for breakfast soon!" The door closed shut.

Brendon rolled back over and Xavier took a deep dramatic breath.

"I thought I was gonna die!" He exclaimed.

"You were not." Brendon rolled his eyes. "Look on the bright side, now I know how to wake you up."

Xavier scowled at him, pushing him off the bed. Nonetheless, Brendon kept on laughing.

Xavier blushed suddenly, thinking that he wouldn't mind waking up underneath Brendon every morning.

No! He thought desperately. Begone thoughts!

He and Brendon may be best friends, but Xavier couldn't shake his desires for something more. Xavier refused to let that come between a friendship he valued more than anything else. But Xavier was scared he'd slip up, reveal his true emotions and screw over everything he had with Brendon. With those haunting thoughts, Xavier's humour slipped into a mask of worry.

"Xav, you okay?" Brendan nudged his friend.

Xavier jolted at the touch, no longer stuck in his thoughts. "Yeah. Uh, your mum wants you for breakfast didn't she? I've got a paper run to do and we've both got school tomorrow so I better skedaddle. I'll see you tomorrow, thanks Brendon!" Xavier called out the last part as he climbed out the window, sticking to the left to avoid being detected by Brendon's parents.

Brendon sighed and shook his head, a small smile on his lips. He was used to Xavier just up and leaving after many years of friendship.

That boy will be the death of me, I swear.


I haven't published the actual story, but this is the completed second chapter of Love & Acceptance.

I can't be the only one who gets so dam tempted to write for something unpublished and completely unmotivated to write the next chapter for something that is already published and actually requires your attention.



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