The Secret Side

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He couldn't move.

He couldn't escape.

They were getting closer.

They were coming for him.

Escape! His senses screamed at him.

But he couldn't. Thick leather straps held him down.

Their needles prodded his skin. The liquid set his blood on fire, made his keen senses go crazy. He couldn't move. Couldn't escape, couldn't get away, getoutdammit!

There was more. More still to come. They only stimulated his senses when they had something else planned. Then he saw it and felt his heart stop.

No. No, no, no, nonono NO!


Kayin shot up with a gasp. His body was drenched in a fine sheen of sweat, hands fisted in the bedsheets beneath him. His chest heaved with each breath he took. Kayin couldn't remember what the dream was about, nor did he want to. But he could certainly guess and it wasn't pleasant. Releasing a sigh, Kayin flicked his greyish-blue hair out of his eyes as he stumbled out of bed. A cold shock jolted through him as the crisp ground touched his bare feet.

Kayin trudged to the bathroom, only a few strides away from his bed. Wiping the accumulating grime from the mirror he examined his appearance. The nights sleeping out on the frosty streets had really taken a toll on him. Unlike the average human, he needed more to keep him going. Kayin's strikingly pale blue eyes were sunken and swarmed with dark bags which had only reduced a little after a night in a proper bed and his skin looked more washed out than normal.

As for the more unusual side of him, his tail hung limply and the two fluffy cat ears perched atop his head were droopy with exhaustion, a sign that he had really worn himself out in his attempt to get as far away from those accursed scientists. He should really sleep more. After being on the run for days, Kayin had decided it was finally time to hole up somewhere for as long as he could afford. As much as he'd like to just stop and settle down he couldn't. Who would leave a military experiment on the run? Not to mention the last time he escaped they came right after him. After that time Kayin was more careful not to let his temper get ahold of him like that. Now he was more careful with his attempts at hiding. Particularly his oddities.

Suddenly Kayin's body went stiff, rigid with tension. Pain roared through him and forced him to hunch over, leaning heavily on the sink counter for support as he squeezed his eyes shut. Kayin coughed and spluttered into his hand as he was racked with pain until it subsided.

Panting, Kayin slid to the ground as he stared at his palm with increasing concern. Crimson drops were splayed across his skin, a stark contrast to his lighter skin tone.

He was still coughing up blood.

Kayin had thought that maybe it was just because his body was getting used to being off all the chemicals those scientists would pump into him. But he could faintly recall that he used to cough up blood even when he was in the facility. A voice surfaced in his mind.

"His body is unstable. He is rejecting the introduced specimen. Prepare to complete surgery. We will make him accept the change."

That's right.

Those dammed scientists had used him as a test subject. And experiment for the military. Something that - if successful - would change the world. A special unit composed of animal enhanced humans at the beck and call of the government.

Kayin's hands rolled into fists as he thought about it.

They had started small, their original test subjects just being tested with smaller, everyday creatures; cats, dogs, mice, hamsters, turtles. Kayin had been merged with a goddam cat.

His slitted eyes, his tail, his extra set of ears. They were all testimony to the fact he was never going to be normal again.

Once upon a time, many years ago, Kayin had been human. But now that was just a distant memory. Something forever unobtainable.

Picking himself up off the floor, Kayin ran over the things he had to do today. Find a place to get some food, first of all. I'd need more money than I've got for that, he mused as he ran his hands under the tap water. Maybe a job then. But the question was, who would hire somebody who didn't have any recommendation, who never went to a proper school, and in fact, was supposed to be living as a normal teenager and be at school. Like any other normal kid.

But he wasn't normal.

And there was no changing that.

Nobody would hire him. He didn't want to steal, but God knew he could if he wanted to. It was something Kayin had learned when he was stuck in that military facility. He could do it undetected, with barely a hitch, but if it somehow got back to them that there had been a robbery commuted by a person that couldn't be traced, they'd know exactly where to find him.

That was not happening.

The only money he did have, was what he stole from those scientists before escaping. They'd almost closed in on his hiding spot, even sent a team out to where he was staying so he'd raided the hotels they were occupying and made a break for it.

But that could only get him so far. Getting this shabby apartment took a fair amount of his money. He'd have enough for a little food, but he'd need to find a new source of income soon.

Might as well start with food shopping then.

But first Kayin had to become somewhat publicly acceptable. That meant hiding his abnormalities.

Fishing through the cupboard under the sink, Kayin pulled out the green contacts, something else he'd invested in. Slitted cat eyes were not exactly normal. Next he swapped his sleeping pants for normal track pants, something he'd picked up from a donation bin. He wore a baggy shirt so his tail could go wrapped around his waist and nobody would be any the wiser. It was uncomfortable, but it kept his tail hidden so he put up with it. It wasn't as if Kayin had a lot of options. And finally, he pulled on a dark navy beanie to cover his cat ears. It was painful, having them pushed against his head, but like the tail, it kept them hidden. His ears were sensitive to both sound and touch, but after a few minutes he got used to the constant dull ache and the loud rustling sound that occurred when the beanie rubbed against his ears.

And then he was ready to go. His longer nails could be passed off easily, alongside his pointier that normal teeth.

At the local supermarket, Kayin was pleased that nobody freaked out upon seeing him. Nobody recognised him, and nobody seemed to spot his peculiarities.

Kayin found a few cheap snacks  that would last him a while if he made it last. Making food last was something Kayin found hard to do as his faster metabolism and bigger appetite caused by his cat side made him crave food frequently.

Kayin went through the checkout and paid for everything before leaving. Upon exiting Kayin released a sigh of relief. He found it nerve racking to go out with what he was hiding. He felt like everyone's eyes were on him, burning holes through him as if they knew exactly what he was hiding. It made his palms sweat and caused him to constantly check around him.

But soon he would be back at his apartment and he could let loose and relax. He could sit and brainstorm ways to get more money in the quite loneliness of his new apartment.

Or at least, that was how Kayin planned things would go.

But of course, when did he get what he wanted?

"Hey, shouldn't you be at school?" A voice asked and Kayin jumped when somebody's hand landed on his shoulder, keeping him from taking off.

Kayin tilted his head up to look at the person and found himself face to face with a police officer.

Oh shit.


Another... story... idea... 😅

Well, this idea came from looking at a picture of a cat boy. And then this kinda burst forth.

Tell me what ya think!



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