Chapter III - The Key To Continue

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My friend Annie... she wasn't found yet, nor a single trace of her, every time I go to our classroom, I saw her empty seat made me feel very upset of myself... 

I don't know what to do with the situation since, I didn't do anything for her, if I was early enough I should have catch on with her and guard her, yet, there this this thought that slips in my mind, what if on that exact time, Me, Christine, and Julianne are there with her, and the man she's gonna meet had a large group of guys that can abduct us in any moment of chance?

I barely cannot focus on my walk in the sides of the street that I was thinking about Annie...

It's been already 3 days that she's lost...

nobody knows where is she... I am very worried, I don't have good news or updates regarding to the disappearance of Annie.. 

Should I step into the investigation and make an independent investigation....?

but I'm holding back, because of fear that I might be the next victim...

I don't know what to do to save my friend... so in great fear I'm starting to lose faith and give up on her... Since it's three days.. police and NBI aren't making progress... and only my screen shots are the evidence and nothing more...

Suddenly, the Millennium Key around my neck creates its personal glow~

I didn't know what to do and I don't even know what does the glow means... is it danger? Does it feel my suffering? does it find Annie? Only the man knows what is the message of this millennium key wanted to tell me.

I ignored the light, maybe it's just acting strange because it have a new owner... or borrower...

As I step to my direction back home, the light started to dim... and I noticed it... I'm now curious that I stepped back and the light shines once again...

Instead of me going home I walk somewhere that made the light of the key grow and grow as I stepped forward...

Suddenly, I ended up in the front gate of Annie's apartment... that gave me the chills... Just looking up the two floored apartment when I put my head back down and looked at the key on my chest, it glows so much as if I am carrying a very large spot light, yet the light wasn't too bright than the sun, when I touched the key, it wasn't hot, nor warm, it's cold... 

"What are you telling me using this light?" I whispered to the key as I held it on my right hand...

As I am standing beside the gate, I hear footsteps that sounded like people are forced to get out, and I suddenly heard a scream of a girl! IT SOUNDED LIKE ANNIE!!!

I heard the lock of the gate clicking as I automatically run and hide in bushes beside the gate, but I can still clearly see what is going on the front gate..

As the gate opens, a creeking sound is what I hear... I saw Annie's parents, talking and begging, I cleared the surrounding leaves of the bush to see things more clearly, and hid the glowing key underneath my shirt..

In my greatest surprise, the person Annie's parents are talking to, IS ANNIE HERSELF!

I am very surprised to see that, I cannot believe my eyes, isn't this just an illusion made by the Millennium Key, but no... It's real it's her, I saw another man beside her, it's probably the guy she wanted to meet 3 days ago... But... He looked older than Annie, we're just both 17 years old... but the man looks like early 30's... It gave me more chills when I am listening to their conversation, I don't wanna be involved, but once I see it, I cannot unsee it.

Annie's parents kept on begging to their daughter to return home, but she kept on refusing, she said; "I am in love with Marcus! AND YOU PEOPLE WON'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT! I DON'T NEED YOU IN MY LIFE! YOU ARE JUST THE PEOPLE WHO GAVE ME LIFE, BUT YOU DON'T OWN ME!!!" 

I don't know what to react, I realized, If I don't re-evaluated my actions, maybe I'm like her now, but... she's not like that... what happened...?

After a very long harsh conversation of the two sides, the parents decided to leave and come back the next day, I also left, returning to my house nearly dusk...

When I got home, I told my mother about the weird activity of the key... and.. what I also saw after I followed the shine of the key...

My mother violently reacted of what I told her, that how come after all of this, Annie was safe and sound and with some strange man that all of us never know, my mother told me not to tell such information to others, just the two of us, so that the parents will have a private way to take back their child, but I asked my mother, what If we call the police?

My mother refused, "It's no longer out of our business.." she said and I agreed of what she just said...

I told my mother that I'm really curious of where does this key came from, and I have no idea what is the purpose of this key, and why does that man gave it to me..

My mother replied, "Its from Egypt..." 

"From Egypt?" I asked with a surprised sound...

" I searched on the Internet about a large key shaped golden pendant... And there is a university in Domino City, in United States that is studying on some sort of an Egyptian Artifact, and the head of that study is Professor Muto..." my mother told me as she shown me the website from her laptop...

I realized, I am already nearly graduating from grade 12, next year I am going to be college, I suddenly told my mother this---

"Mama, Can I go to America and Study Egyptology in Domino University? Besides, I haven't decided what I am gonna take for college..." I told my mother.

She smiled, "Why not Yuki, We can afford you to go to America to study, as long as you behave there and be mature, but, are you sure of what you are going to do?" my mother said without holding back.

"Yes I am mama, maybe the man gave me this key for a reason, and maybe my destiny is written that I must study Egyptology for college... We'd better talk about this with papa..." I replied with confidence.

"I'm sure he will agree and support you, and if he don't you can still go, and I will support you there..." My mother told me as she embraced me with joy.

I cannot believe that my mother believes in me, and I am very happy about it, but I am worried about what's outside of my home, about Annie actually and her family...

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