Chapter 27

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Cameron's POV
The boys game is now over. They won 4-1. Riley banged in a beautiful volley from outside the box off of Ian's cross. Not gonna lie, it was beautiful. You might as well just call him Jillian Draxler. My dad was being such an English soccer fan, it's crazy but hilarious. He was now singing to the tune of 'Chillin' by Wale and Lady Gaga. "Nah-Nah-Nah-Nah! Nah-Nah-Nah-Nah! Hey-Hey-Hey! GOODBYE!" he sung as the away team passed the stands to go home. Some of them even looked at him, making us all laugh. Honestly, I wasn't even embarrassed. "Wait..." Brandon says to get my attention. We were talking almost all game so I guess he was starting the convo back up. He smiles. "Because this game was here, does that mean the next time we face these guys, It'll be at their place?" he asked me. Brandon seemed so interested in soccer now, it's cute. "Yeah." Julia and I both answer him. He smiles again then looks back at the pitch. He's actually a really nice guy, not like I didn't know that already. Any girl would be lucky to have him. "Ok Cam!" my dad says. I look at him as he stood up in front of me. I had no idea what was happening so I looked at Julia. She was smiling. What were they up to? "You know that friendly today..." he starts. I nod. Today, LA Galaxy has a friendly against PSG here, which meant Neymar Jr, aka the sexiest man alive, is in town. Man I wish I could go. I squint my eyes at my dad who was still smiling. "What?" I ask him. He turns and looks away into distance. He usually acts like this when he's trying to surprise either me or Ri. "I'm signing, Julia, Riley and you out of school for the rest of the day because—." he says before I cut him off. I was so disappointed at his words. "Dad! I need to go to Math!" I complain. Math was the one course I didn't really focus on because it was easy but I still needed to be there for the lessons. My teacher will usually tell us what will be on the final. "LET HIM FINISH!" Julia yells at me. I look at B and he smiles and shrugs. I swear Brandon is forever smiling. Do you B. "We're going." he finally says. My eyes widen. Pause, rewind, start the tape back. Going where? I swear I better not be getting my hopes up. I'm literally shaking. We see the boys coming towards the stands so we all got up to meet them at the bottom. "What is life!?" I say trying to keep my excitement in. I didn't want to look like an idiot. "WE'RE GOING TO THE GAME SIS!" Julia screams out making Ian and Riley look at her confused as they finally got to us. I stayed at the bleachers while Julia and my dad went to congratulate the boys on their big win. "What a banger kid." Julia compliments Riley's goal, smiling. Ian shoves him in praise. He was probably jealous because his goal was off a Penalty. "What friendly?" B asks me. I explained to him about it. How PSG is my favorite team, how it's a friendly, everything. He was getting the hang of 'Soccer' now. Talking about it only got me more excited. I actually couldn't control myself. "I'm gonna see Neymar." I say out loud, excited, making everyone look at me and laugh. They knew that's what I was most excited about. My dad smiles at me. I gave him the biggest hug ever. Fuck it. I'm hugging everyone. "Group Hug!" I say to Julia, Riley and Ian as I stood up on the first step. They obey me, for once, and hugged me. My dad then left with the 2 boys, leaving Julia, B and I alone. I look at Brandon who was looking at me with a smile and Open Arms. I go to hug him. "Step down." he tells me in my ear, dropping the tone of his voice. Sexy... I mean... uhh. I do as asked. He basically picked me up off of the bleachers and brought me down to his level. I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. We held our hug for about 7 seconds which is a long time for a hug. He even rocked me side to side. It was cute. "I'm happy for you." he tells me. I have no idea what he was doing but, I liked it. The way he tightly gripped me— making me feel a way— just the way he held me in general... WHAT!? I step out of the hug and looked at him shocked. We had straight on eye contact for a second before I looked down. He then gave me his cute, sexy— CAMERON!! WHAT THE FUCK!!? He smiles at my reaction to his smile. "I'll see you later." he says with a wink. He then smiles at Julia and took off. He looked back at me one last time then continued walking to the parking lot, running his hand through his hair. What the fuck just happened. I was left super confused. I look at Julia who witnessed the whole thing. She was giving me a 'You Fucked Up!' look. I shake it off. The only thing I was thinking about now was watching my team beat LA... hopefully. "ANYWAYS!" Julia says to kill the awkward silence. I look at her. "Ready?" She asks me, beginning to walk in the opposite direction of Brandon to the other parking lot where my dad, Riley and Ian all went. I nod and started to walk with her. "What was all of that?" she asks me. She then looks at me like she was expecting some sort of explanation. "I don't know." I answer truthfully. She laughs. "That wasn't a normal hug. You know that right?" she then says as we approach the car. I just laugh, making her laugh as well. Ian waves us goodbye and gets into his car, driving off. I open the door to my dad's car and hopped in with Julia following. "Do you have everything?" my dad asked. Luckily he did because I left my school bag in my locker. The game starts at 4. I look at my phone, right now, it is 1:39. We had time to spare. "I forgot my bag in my locker!" I say opening back the door. "Cameron!! Are you serious!? I want to go home!!" Riley starts to bitch. I just continue my jog towards the school. I was honestly surprised that Julia didn't come with me. Whatever. Now, about that whole situation with B... I guess I had to just let it go, like it never happened. Besides, all I could think about is, the love of my life, Neymar fucking Junior.

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