Kingdom of Teron - Part 1

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Standing in middle of the stone paved road I looked around me at the lush green life that surrounded me. Up ahead, the city though was the main attraction.

However from were I stood trees hung over the road as animals scampered around not all of them regular animals either. Some were animals I've never seen or heard of before.

I squinted at the gleaming city  and turned to my recently found out parents.

" Um so where are we exactly?"

Mom turned and looked at me with her light purple eyes.

" We're at the Kingdom of Teron."

" And that's where again?"

" Well we are actually in another world."

I raised my eyebrows. " Another world? Your kidding right?"

Dad shrugged. " Here I'll explain it to you but we better be going."

He stepped onto the road and whistled at a passing carriage.

The carriage driver was a wizard old man with a sour expression so I seriously doubted that he was going to stop.

I was right. The man yelled some curse words at my father as he tried driving around him.

He was almost around him when the man's face suddenly turned from mean to surprised.

You could almost feel the apology radiating off of him in waves.

The carriage pulled to a stop and the man leaped off and opened the door.

" My sincerest apologies my King I did not realize who you were."

I was shocked. King? Why was he calling him King?

" Uh excuse me but what-"

Mom grabbed my arm and hustled me into the carriage.

" Come on Char we'll explain it when we get going."

I protested but I was bundled into the side compartment without a moment to gather my bearings.

I looked at the golden woven seats and gaped. I've never seen a carriage this nice before.

Dad came in after us and shut the door just as it started moving.

After settling himself in he grabbed a bottle of wine from a hidden compartment and poured three glasses.

He stuck one out to me. " Here you go."

A hint of red rose up on my cheeks. " I uh actually don't drink."

A surprised expression came over his face. "Oh okay. More for me then."

Mom scolded her husband while I got a good look at my parents.

Mom as I referred to her had brown curls around her  gentle face. Light purple eyes stood out illuminating her kindness.

 Light purple eyes stood out illuminating her kindness

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