Chapter 21

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*Dahvie's POV*

It had really been a long and hectic few weeks.Everythin was happening so fast,time was going by really fast.Tomorrow morning we were going to find her Dad's grave and I think her Mums. "Hey Jayy!" I called out."Yes?" he replied.Where was he? "Where are output bitch!" I yelled. "Outside!" he yelled back.I walked out to the backyard and sure enough Jayy was sitting on his deck chair near the pool at 9pm.

"Jayy,will you and Sally be alright here for a day or two without Dani and I?" I asked. "Uh,yes,but where are you guys going?" he asked. "To see Dani's mum and dad's graves," I looked down at my shoes. "Okay,well when are you leaving?" Jayy asked. "Tomorrow,7am," I said.He nodded and I walked off.Is Dani still in the shower? I walked up the stairs and tithe bathroom,she wasn't in there.I walked over to our bedroom door which was shut.I knocked on the door but no reply.I toil a deep breath in and opened the door,the lights were off and I could see Dani peacefully asleep on the bed.

I smiled at her,she looked so happy and she deserves to be happy after all she's been through.I layed down on the bed next to her and cuddled up to her.I was still in my clothes and shoes but I didn't care."I love you," I whispered to her,I kissed her nose and slowly shut my eyes


"No! Go away! It wasn't my fault,I'm sorry!"

I opened my eyes and Dani was screaming,she was having another nightmare.I instantly sat up and held her hand,"Dani!Wake up! Listen to me!" I yelled.She continued to yell stuff.I didn't want to hurt her but if I didn't she wouldn't wake up.I slapped her lightly across the face and her eyes flew open. "Dahvie!" she bursted into tears and sat up.I pulled her closer to me and her head was on my chest.

"It's alright baby,I've got you now," I whispered into her ear.She continues to cry into my chest.I looked over to my phone and Becker the time,5.45. "Dani,we need to leave in 40minutes,have you got a small bag of stuff?" I asked.She nodded."Okay,well go get ready and I'll call a taxi to come," I whispered.She didn't want to get out of my arms but we had to get ready.

~~~5 hours later~~~

We were in Dani's old home town."Are you alright?" I asked her.She nodded.We were driving down her street and came across her old house.All the lawn and plants were dead,the house was all dark and had broken windows.She took a deep breath. "Too many memories,good and bad..." she said softly.I put my arm around her and she rested her head on my shoulder.

We walked towards the front door and she unlocked it with a key under the mat. "Everything's still in the same place," she said.We walked up the stairs and into a small room which I'm assuming was hers.Her walls were filled with posters of us and all the bands she had met on warped tour.She walked over to a small bedside table and opened the door.She grabbed a few picture frames and put them in her bag.She then went over to her wardrobe and grabbed a small bear.

"Annything else you need to grab?" I asked her.She shook her head.As we walked out the door of the house a tear fell from her eyes."It's okay Dani," I comforted her.We locked the door and she kept the key. "No to Zeke's old house," she said.We walked as it was only ten minutes.We approached the door and she knocked on it.

His Mum answered, "D..Dani?" she asked.Dani nodded at her and slightly smiled. "Zeke doesn't live here anymore he moved out since he graduated," she said. "I know,but I came to talk to you," Dani said.The lady stepped aside and let us in. "So what did you need to talk about Dani?" she asked. "My father." Dani said.The lady nodded.

~~~Dani's POV~~~

"Do you know how my Dad died?," I asked. Gloria(Zekes Mums name) Looked down then back at my eyes, "He had hung himself in the backyard Dani," she took a deep breath.A few tears came from my eyes.He used to beat me and I left him and he went and hung himself months later,maybe this was my fault... "Are you okay babe?" Dahvie whispered.I slightly shook my head.He put his arms around me and kissed my nose.

"It's all my fault..." I said out loud. Dahvie and Gloria stared at me. "how?" she asked. "I left my Dad...He used to beat me and only Zeke knew...If I didn't leave he wouldn't be dead..." I said. "Don't ever think it was your fault Dani! You didn't deserve to be treated like that and it wasn't your fault your father committed suicide!" Dahvie said firmly.I shook my head.

"He used to beat you?" Gloria asked.I nodded my head in shame. "Why didn't you tell the police or someone Dani?" she asked. "Because...I was afraid.." I said.She shook her head."Gloria,we must get going,but do you know where Dad was buried?" I asked. "Same place as your lovely mother," she said."Thanks," I said.We got up and walked to the door.

"Thankyou again," I said. "no problems," she smiled and hugged me, "Be safe," she whispered.I nodded and walked out the door with Dahvie. "So where do we have to go?" he asked. "Kingman Cemetery," I said.We caught a taxi to the cemetery as it was 30minutes away.

~~~30min later~~~

We arrived attus cemetery.My Dad was 3 rows away from my Mum.Dahvie held my hand as we walked to the grave.We came across it and years came straight to my eyes.I looked down at the gravestone. "Dahvie,can I be left alone for a few minutes?" I asked.He nodded and walked away. I looked at the gravestone,"Dad...I know you used to beat me to the point where suicide as an option but.." Tears were falling down my face trying to say this," But...I could never not say goodbye to you,after all you brought me into this world,I really do love you and always will no matter what has happened,you will now be with mum and Jake," More tears filled my eyes,"Dad I want you to know...You will be missed and I promise to visit no matter what,I love you," i said.

I looked around for Dahvie and saw him standing near a tree a few meters away,I slowly approached him."Thankyou so much Dahvie," I sobbed.He had a slight tear in his eye,"I love you too," he said.He grabbed my hand and I took him over to my Mums grave. "She was an amazing person," I smiled. "Im sure she was," he said.Next to my Mums grave was my brothers.Dahvie didn't know I had a brother,Innever had the heart to tell anyone.

I looked over to the grave next to my Mums,"Not a day goes by without me thinking of you little Jakey,You were the best thing in the world and I miss you my little man,I love you," I whispered. "Who's Jakey?" Dahvie asked.Shit I said it too loud.I pointed to the gravestone and he read the name. "That's your brother?" he asked shocked.i nodded. "But,I thought you said you were an oh child?" he asked.I shook my head.

"Jake was my little brother,my little man who meant the world to me,I protected him with my life...He was 5 years younger than me.One day I didn't pick him up from school because I ran home crying because of people who used to pick on me,Mum had to drove and pick him up and on the way back....Someone....hit the car...killing my mother instantly and...putting my brother in a severe condition...he ended up loosing too much blood," Tears fell from my eyes."That's why my Dad said it was my fault,if I had walked home with Jake it wouldn't have happened,that's why my Dad had beaten me," Tears filled my eyes even more.

I looked up at Dahvie and he also had tears in his eyes,he hugged me tight.After a few minutes I said my goodbyes and walked out of the cemetery.We caught a cab to a hotel that was near the airport as we were leaving tomorrow morning at 9.I wasn't hungry although it was 7pm.

We arrived at the hotel and took out bags up to our room.I threw myself on the bed then I remembered grabbing those pictures. "Dahvie," I called out.He instantly jumped off the couch,"yes?" he asked.I motioned him to come to me and he did.I handed him the picture of me Nd my brother a week before his death. "Me and my brother before his death.I was 14 and he was 9," I smiled slightly. "He looks just like you," Dahvie smiled.I nodde nodded my head. "Well I need to sleep,it's been a long day," I said."Night babe,love you," he kissed me and I fell asleep.

~~~All I could write for now,I haz to go to bed now I have school tomorrow .-. --

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