Chapter 23

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I would just like to thank the people who do read this

"Fuck it's hot," I moaned as I walked down our street.I came to a small alley way which lead me to the shops,the alley was all trashy and filled with graffiti.I continued to walk head down when I bumped into someone.I fell back onto my ass and looked up to the person.It was my Dad.I could feel this was a dream now because of the feeling on my left palm.I was going to find out everything,I needed to take control of this dream and I was going to do that. "Why!" I yelled.I could feel myself being shaken. "I will find out!" i yelled.

"Dani,are you alright?" I heard a familiar voice say.I opened my eyes to see Dahvie leaning over me. "Yes,I'm alright" I said.He sat down next to my legs and brushed my hair out of my eyes. "What time is it?" I asked. "Ugh," he looked up to where he clock on the wall was "7.40" he smiled.I nodded and sat up. "So what do you want to do for the rest of the night?" he asked.I shrugged my shoulders. "How about bowling?" I Shook my head. "Rollerskating?" I shook my head again. "Uh? go out for dinner?" I shook my head again. "Well,what do you want to do then?" he asked.I shrugged again. "Are you not going to talk?" he asked.I nodded.

He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, "put me down!" I yelled. "haha,no" he said.i punched his back but he wouldn't let me go.I grabbed my leg and managed to mick his stomach.He let go and I quickly ran away from him. "I'm going to get you!" he yelled.Oh shit where would I go? I ran up the stairs with Dahvie chasing me.I ran into the spare room and hid in the closet."I know where you are!" he yelled.

I tried to catch my breath back.The closet door flung open and Dahvie stood there smiling.I jumped at him and we fell to the floor,"Ima monster!" I yelled.He laughed and i held his arms down with me sitting on top of him.I leaned down to him and kissed him.He bit my lip begging for entrance but I refused and quickly jumped off him and ran off downstairs again. "You tease,I'm coming for you!" I heard him yell.

*Dahvie's POV*

Dani ran away after making me want more.I stood up off the ground and walked down the stairs to look for her.I went over to the couch and she wasn't there.I looked everywhere and couldn't find her.I walked into the kitchen because I heard a noise come from in there.I quietly approached the kitchen and saw one of the cupboard door slightly opened.I walked over to it smiling and opened it and there was Dani. "Found you!" I yelled.

She screamed and came out of the door slightly,I went to pick her up off the floor,but she kicked me right in the nuts.I fell to the floor in pain and she ran off again,"You've just ruined my chances of having children!" I yelled.I could hear her giggle.After minutes of moaning I got up and looked for her again.I couldn't find her so I went and checked the bedroom.

I opened the door and Insaw Dani asleep on the bed.I smiled and went over to her,I sat next to her. "RAWR!" I heard.Dani opened her eyes quickly and jumped onto me making me and her fall off the bed.She what there on top of me staring into my eyes.She leaned down to kiss me and this time I was not going to let her get away so I took my chance and pushed her off me and sat on her.

"Dahvieeee..." she pouted. "Babyyyy," I came pouted and smiled. "I win!" I said smiling. "That's not fair," she whined. "Too bad," I said smiling.I went down to kiss her but she didn't kiss back. "What fuckery is this? I won and I don't get my kiss?" I whined.She laughed and managed to push me off her.

"I'm tired..."She moaned.She stood up and walked to the wardrobe and picked out her Hello Kitty Pjamas.She started getting undressed.I must have been staring at her,"Your like a little boy seeing tits for the first time," She teased.She put her pjs on and jumped into the bed.i stood up and took my pants and Shirt off leaving me in my boxers.i slid into the bed with her. "I love you," I smiled. "i love you too," she smiled.She put her hand on my face and leaned into kiss me.

I turned the light off with the remote and put my arms around her and she snuggled up to me,"Goodnight baby," I whispered.I kissed her lips another time before falling asleep.

*Short chapter,eh,I know.i had no motivation or ideas and I'm hungryyy D:

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