What have I done?

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"Who says life is fair?

Where is that written?"

William Goldman, The Princess Bride.

The first thing Eliza did when we got home was taking a 16 hour nap. I get it. My friends are very exhausting. Me, I was doing homework. 

It wasn't going well. 

"What is this?! The only question I know on here is my name!"

So I gave up and played Zelda. I watched all the memories and cried my little heart out. All of the sudden, I realized how much I related to Zelda. Feeling like a miserable failure.

Growing up, my dad expected the most of us. All A's. He never gave us any help with anything. If we ever got a B or lower, he'd hit us.  

Mama was different. She helped us, she took blows for us, etc. 

One day she couldn't take it anymore. She disappeared. A few months later we discovered she was found dead in a forest two towns away. 

Dad was never the same. 

He hit us harder. He was stricter. All of us were helpless. We were too young to understand what was happening was wrong.

Our butler didn't see any of it. He made sure to hit us when he wasn't around. 

Enough of my tragic backstory. Eliza had just woken up. 

"Hey Lizzie! Hanging in there?" I ask as she yawns and rubs her eyes.

"Ugh, I feel dead. What time is it?" 

"Like, 3 AM." 

"No way!" She gasped, running out of bed to check the oven clock. 

'3:04 AM' 

"Why did you let me sleep that long?!" 

"Because you're sick and obviously tired." 

"You're right."

So she laid on the couch and checked her Instagram as I continued to play Zelda. Nothing like some nice sister bonding time.

"HEY WE'RE OUT OF COFFEE AND I NEED TO WRITE A FIFTY-ONE PAGE ESSAY FOR MY LAW CLASS!!" Alex shouted as he burst into our dorm uninvited. 

"Okay number one: It's 3 AM, number two: It's a twenty-five page essay divided among three people, and number three: No, Liza and I are almost out." 

"Oh, okay." He mumbled, walking out the door. Eliza passed out about five minutes later.

"Jeez. How much can one child sleep in a day?" I mumbled, continuing to battle some random annoying guardian.

Before I know it, I hear Eliza's phone alarm go off.

She doesn't wake up. 

It continues to go off. 

No response. 

"Betsey, your alarm." I say, tapping her on the shoulder





"ELIZAA!!" I scream, shaking her frantically. Still, no response. I check her pulse. It's there. Still panicking, I call John. 

Once Upon a Dream - Meggy - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now