Chapter Two:

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     Benji and Kady were waiting at the bus station for Carrie for around half an hour. The bus Carrie was supposed to have been on had come and gone twice.

      Benji tried to call his girlfriend, but there was no answer. Kady could tell he was worrying, but she knew Carrie would be okay. She was just late again. She always was.

      "You know something Kady, if you are right, and that psychopathic ass-hole is killing people out of town, and Carrie is his next victim..." He turned and looked at Kady, his index finger pointed at her. "I might actually fucking kill you."

      "Chill out, man. She will be fine! You know what she's like, she's always late. She was even late to her own mom's wedding, what does that tell you?" Kady said.

      They turned around to go outside to smoke a cigarette while they waited for the next Number Twenty-nine bus, hopefully Carrie would be on that one.

       As they did, they were greeted by Carrie's beaming face bounding towards them.

      "Told you."

      "Shut up." Benji said, as he went over to Carrie and hugged her tightly.

      "She told you what?" Carrie asked, smiling.

      "That you weren't dead." Kady said, smirking.

      "No." Benji shot a look at Kady, "that you were okay. I was starting to worry."

      "Oh my God, Benji! The next murder will be next week, not the next damn day!" Carrie said.

      "Okay, you two are starting to creep me out. Like how you know when the next murder will be. I mean, how do you even know there will be another one?!" Benji asked, speaking quickly and stuttering.

      "Maybe, it's one of us." Carrie joked.

      "Or both of us." Kady carried on the joke Carrie had started.

      "Stop it!" Benji walked quickly ahead with his hands over his ears, like a child. The two girls laughed and followed him.

      "Anyway, I've ordered us a taxi to mine." Carrie said.

      "But it's a ten minute walk." Benji whined.

      "But it's freezing... also, I'm lazy." Said Carrie, as she grabbed hold of Benji's hand. Kady was following behind as they walked outside, texting her dad to assure him she was okay.

      Kady planned to stay the night at Carrie's house, which she shared with her sister Lorraine, who was now twenty years old.

       She had turned twenty a couple of weeks ago and she had thrown a big party; another thing Carrie had been late for. She had just left for university so Carrie had the house to herself until Lorraine got back.

       When she woke on Thursday morning, Carrie wasn't there, but Benji was, standing in the kitchen. "Where's Carrie gone at this time in a morning?" She asked sleepily.

      "Oh, she's got a habit of going out for a run every morning then bringing back snacks from the shop on her way home."

      "So what's the point in the jogging?" Kady almost shrieked.

      "I have no idea." Benji shrugged. "Coffee?"

      "I'll have water, please, dude."

      "Water?" He asked. "Are you all right?"

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