Chapter Seven:

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           Half an hour passed. He hadn't shown up yet. If I stayed here any longer I would start to attract attention, and neither of us wanted that. What the hell was he playing at? Soon it came to an hour since he called. So I left.

      I tried calling and couldn't get through. So I just went home. I'd waited long enough and knowing him he'd gone and killed someone else and made himself a bloodied mess, and so had to go straight home. 

      I guessed, in that case, I would see him there. After all, he is my father.


      Carrie looked outside but Benji was gone. It was only a mug, what had gotten into him? She called him but the line was busy. He must be on the phone to Kady, Carrie thought, somewhat jealously.

      Maybe I should try calling his dad, just to make sure he's okay, and to let me know when he gets home, but after the second try, there was still no answer. 

      Everything is fine, she tried telling herself, but deep inside she knew something was very wrong. She just couldn't put her finger on it.

      She still hadn't heard from her sister, Lorraine, but it was too late to call now. She would most likely be asleep. What was she supposed to do? 

      She didn't feel safe being alone, yet here she was, stood in her kitchen, scared to look out the window in case someone was there. Scared to open the door, and scared to leave any lights on.

      She eventually called Kady, who answered quickly. "Is it too late for your dad to bring you over? Benji isn't here and I don't want to be alone." There was a silence while Kady went to ask her dad if she could go over. "My dad said you can stay here for the night. Just make sure you leave a note for him if he comes back."

      "Oh thank you so much." Carrie breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

      "We'll come and pick you up, just hold on for half hour." In the second before Kady hung up, Carrie could hear the sound of keys jangling in the background. At least they're on their way.

     Finally somewhere she felt safe, Carrie settled down on the sofa under a blanket with Kady, both had a hot chocolate. It was late but she couldn't help but worry about Benji. He still wasn't answering or replying, not even to Kady. And neither was his dad. Yeah, they could be asleep, but why had Benji reacted the way he did just because he'd broken a mug? 

       "So, he broke a mug, freaked out and then just left?" Kady asked.

      "Uh-huh. Like, he was acting so strange, jumpy... or nervous. Now he isn't answering his phone or texting back."

      "Leave it until tomorrow. I'm sure he'll be okay, and hopefully, explains why he was being so weird." Kady suggested. "And you've heard nothing from Lorraine either?"

      Carrie shook her head. "I'm sure she's just tired and stuff, I mean, she did have quite a big day." She shrugged.

      "I really don't know what to say. But-"

      "Will you be staying for tomorrow too, or will you want taking home?" Kady's dad interrupted.

      "I really don't know, Steve. I wanna wait until I know Benji will be back but if that's a problem I can go back."

      "Don't be silly. Stay as long as you need. With this psycho hanging around you need to be safe. I was just wondering because I have work and won't be here during the day." Steve said, smiling at the two girls.

      "Thanks, Steve." Carrie said. She returned the smile.

      "Well, I'm off to bed. You girls have a nice night and don't get too rowdy." He giggled slightly and closed the living room door. It opened again a second later and he popped his head around it. "You hear anything outside, and I mean anything, you come and wake me straight away."

      "Of course, dad." Kady said. "We will."


       Luckily they got through the night without incident. Carrie woke first, and put her hand gently on Kady's shoulder. She flinched and gasped, causing Carrie to jump back in case Kady tried to swing at her with the clenched fist she had recently formed. "We're alive!" Carrie grinned, widely.

     This time, Kady grinned with her, "What's the time?"

      "Half nine. Your dad already left. Should I make breakfast?"

      "No, don't be silly. I'll do it. You, lady, are a guest." Kady flung her legs over the side of the bed and slipped her feet into a pair of black fluffy slippers. She looked outside and saw that sleet was once again pelting down. Then she remembered, "Have you heard from Benji then?"

      "Uh, yeah... one very strange text. 'Me and my dad are at yours, where are you?' He never relies on his dad to bring him anywhere. For one, he drives. And two, he could easily walk or get a bus."

      "Did you reply?" asked Kady.

      "Not yet. He's probably sleeping. That text was sent at four in the damn morning."

      It's not like Carrie to not reply to a message from Benji, no matter what the time is... Kady thought.

      "How is that strange?... maybe he was worried so instead of walking he got his dad to give him a lift to your house?"

      "Even so... he's turned up before at three or four a.m." Carrie busied herself by tying back her blonde hair in a high pony tail, and wrapping Kady's spare dressing gown around her. "Anyway, breakfast?" she walked out and headed downstairs.

       "Umm. Okay." Kady sounded confused, but followed anyway.

      Once downstairs, Kady kept trying to call Benji from underneath the table, so Carrie couldn't see. She'd also text him, asking why he stormed out over a broken mug. But she got no answer.


           As I'd suspected, he was at home. Though he wasn't a bloodied mess like I'd suspected. He'd already been in bed, so I left him alone and waited until the morning to speak to him. He was quiet. Moody almost.

      "Soo..." I began. "Why didn't you show up last night? I was stood there for ages waiting for you. I looked like an idiot."

       "I figured you'd get bored and come home. And guess what?... I was right." My father smiled somewhat mockingly.

      " You could have let me know."

      "See, that's where you're wrong. My phone died on my drive back from the university. So I kinda couldn't. Just be patient, and remember. We're doing all of this for your sister."

       I sighed. "I get that, dad... but think realistically now... can we really get away with all of this? All of these murders, the break-in's? Like, are you sure there's no DNA? Are you absolutely, one-hundred percent positive, that no one knows you've killed these girls? And nobody knows you're Kady's real dad? Even Steve?"

       "Only Karyn knows I'm Kady's dad. And trust me, she's not about to go saying anything any time soon."



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