Chapter Eight:

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         A few hours had passed and Carrie decided to leave Benji to it, whatever it was, and go out to the mall with Kady. Steve was picking them up at five o'clock on his way home from work, so they had a few hours to kill.

     They stopped at the food court and had dinner; Kady couldn't be bothered to cook before they had left. "Are you staying over again tonight then?"

      "Well, unless Benji gets in touch then it definitely looks that way. Is that okay with you?" Carrie said.

      "Of course." Kady smiled. This was the most time she'd ever spent alone with Carrie, despite her being Kady's best friend's girlfriend. "You heard my dad. Stay as long as you need to."

      "Umm... will he be able to stop by mine so I can grab some things. You know, clothes and all that."

      "I'm sure that'll be fine." Kady said. "Movie marathon tonight?"

       "Sure... Just no horrors." Carrie said, paranoia of the whole serial murder on the loose was really taking its toll on her mental state. Normally she'd have just left the doors locked and stayed home. But this time things seemed different. More dangerous. Almost like she was next on the killers list of victims.

      "We'll stick to the comedies then." Kady said as she bit into the ketchup covered hot dog she had been holding for five minutes now.

       "So when you've finished seducing that hot dog, shall we do a little window shopping?"

      "Screw that." Kady said with ketchup spilling out onto her chin. She wiped it away. "We're gonna do some actual shopping."

      She devoured the rest of the hot dog and fries, and as they were about to leave she stopped and took out her phone. "I'll just ask my dad if we can stop by yours on the way home."

      As Kady was concentrating on her phone, Carrie glanced around. She saw a group of boys she recognized as being some of Benji's friends. One of them they both knew quite well, Alex.

       "Hey, look." Carrie pointed. "That's Alex. Should we ask him about the-" she was interrupted.

      "Carrie!" A booming voice shouting from across the mall. "Where's your boyfriend at? I've not heard from him since yesterday morning. He was supposed to be meeting us an hour ago."

      "If I knew, I would tell you. Last I saw him was last night and haven't heard from him since." Carrie told him. "I was actually about to come and ask you something."

      "Go on?" Alex said, his friends messing around behind him. "Guy's, be quiet a sec."

      "Sorry boss." One boy said, with a smirk on his face as another guy punched him in the arm.

       "So what's up?" Alex said.

       "Well, when the girl's body in the woods was found, apparently five weeks after she died,-"

       "Yeah, you mean Georgia Clifton?"

       "Yeah, well, Benji is convinced the body was moved."

      "Why?" Alex asked.

      "If you stop interrupting I will get to that..." Carrie smirked. "Well he said that a week before she died he was there in that exact spot but there wasn't a body there."

       "Okay, and you wanted to talk to me about this because...?"

       "Well, Benji said he was with you guys." Carrie glanced at Kady, suddenly confused.

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