Chapter Nine:

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      Damn! Where is he? I'd waited all day knowing what time he'd be back, but he still wasn't here. I'd been outside the house for two hours now. There was no car on the driveway, and the garage door was closed. 

      I couldn't see anyone inside. Would it be a good idea to break in and hide? No. someone might see. It was still light outside. Not even six pm yet, I was early.

      It's a good job I am a very patient man. Maybe he had gone out to run a few errands. Shopping or something like that.

       I had also tried getting in touch with that brave redhead boy, but there was no answer. My own son wouldn't call me back.

      After three hours of waiting outside this guy's house, my phone vibrated in the glove compartment of my car. I reached it out and saw I had a text from my son. 

      "Sorry," it said, "Something important came up. I'll explain later."

      Okay, so I have to do this one alone.

       That didn't bother me. I knew I was more than capable. I've done it before... yeah those were girls, most of the time small girls, sleeping or had nowhere to run, but I could handle this man.

        Eventually, at nine pm, a car pulled into the driveway, and a man got out. He let himself into the house and a moment later an upstairs light flicked on, and a blind was closed. 

      I waited a while longer. Until I knew he was definitely settled and not expecting anything to happen to him on such a quiet, cold night.


        "What is it Benji?" Kady asked, sitting down slowly on the end of his bed, while Carrie slumped down next to her.

       Benji was breathing heavily, stuttering, trying to find the words. "Spit it out Benji... What's been going on?"

      "Give him time, will you?!" Kady said.

      Benji was sitting with his elbows on his knees, and his hands around either side of his head.

       He blew out one last shuddering breath before saying, "Right, I'm so sorry Carrie but, its your sister... Oh God. Uhh, she was – she's kinda... well –"

      "Come on!"

      "She's dead!" Benji spilled out. Carrie could see the tears welling in his eyes. Those eyes that always told her he loved her, was now telling her that her sister was dead.

      "Excuse me? What the hell-"

      "And, I know who did it."

      Kady gasped loudly, her hand flew to her mouth in shock. Carrie just sat, dumbfounded, open-mouthed, waiting to hear more.

      But Benji could go on. He put his head in his hands and the two girls suddenly heard a faint sobbing.

      As Carrie put her hand on Benji's leg, he jumped. "Sorry." He quickly said.

"Who was it Ben? Please tell me."


       I opened the back door... Stupid bloke had left it unlocked. It was now half past eleven at night and I could hear him getting ready for bed when suddenly, I'd had an idea.

      I stalked up behind him, put my gloved hand over his mouth and pulled him down to the floor. "Come with me and you won't get hurt."

       He obliged. He walked calmly to my car and I told him to get in the drivers' seat. "Take me to your ex wife's house. Now."

      He started the car, never said a word, and drove off. I knew the way there, but the more I made him do, the more I made out like I was 'happy' with him; the more he would think I wouldn't kill him.

      But I would. He was too busy wrapped up in his wife's affair, the divorce to notice his own daughter was suffering. Being bullied, and sometimes even beaten. Poor girl hid her bruises well though. Such a strong girl,

      I was so proud of Kady.

      Proud of the only daughter I had...



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