Chapter Three: Killer's P.O.V

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*(This will be quite a short chapter. Written from the killers P.O.V)*

It was baltic that night. Sleet was pelting down hard, stinging my face as I stood on the side-walk outside LeAnne McCarthy's house. Hopefully no one had seen me, I didn't need the attention.

     LeAnne had been in the same year, and school, as Kady. And just like the other girls, she too, had wronged her.

     I felt in my coat for the freshly sharpened, and cleaned, nine inch blade that I always carried. It was still there. I'd already lost it once today, just before I left the house. Turned out to be in the backpack I was carrying. I'd searched the whole house for the damn thing!

     The lights in the house had gone out one hour ago. Now, was my time.

      It was easy to pick a lock, being an ex-blacksmith came with its perks, I have to admit. But unlike that job, I don't get paid for this. Although, I wish that I did.

      I'd been watching the house for hours while Kady slept soundly in her bed. I knew LeAnne's parents were out tonight, in another town attending a friend's wedding this afternoon, and they were staying for the night in a motel.

      LeAnne was alone. She hadn't gone with them because, as she said, 'I hate weddings. They're so boring!' She probably only thinks that because she doesn't have a heart.

      The back door clicked quietly open, and I pulled the handle down, and let myself in. It was dark and quiet, and luckily the only family pet was a fish. I'd hate to be confronted with a dog or something...

      I made my way almost silently upstairs, my own stealth startled me, and heard a quiet snoring coming from the room at the end of the hall. Got you, I thought.

      I put my hand on the door knob, and pulled it down, slowly. It creaked slightly, but luckily not enough to wake the sleeping redhead girl in that room.

      It's a shame that I had to do this. She was a pretty girl. And so young. But she had wronged Kady, so she too, must die.

      I placed my hand over the pale girl's thin pink lips, and pinched the end of her nose at the same time. Her bright, almost emerald, green eyes shot open and was staring right at me, luckily I'd remembered my balaclava this time.

      She looked panicked, scared, and tried to fight me off, but I was too strong. Her pink painted nails tried to claw at me, but I was wearing a leather jacket and gloves, so her attempts failed.

      Once I saw that she was growing weak, I let go of her throat and I heard her try to scream as I produced my knife. The look in her eyes as I plunged it into her throat was beautiful. Her eyes wide and filled with terror, realising she was about to die, painfully.

      I plunged the knife into her neck and the warm blood splattered and squirted out at me, and I felt it on my hands, it spots. She gurgled and spluttered.

      Then I drove the knife into the young girl's body again, in the chest...and again, and again, and again...

      After she was dead, everyone knows what would happen next...

       I beheaded the pretty little redhead. Her beautiful emerald green eyes still wide open and staring at me.

      I do always wonder how much pain they feel, what goes through their pathetic teenage minds when they see me, standing over them with my hands around their throats or a knife to their chest.

      Either way, it didn't bother me... my work was done. And so, I left her head rolling on the floor, the eyes still open, eyes staring, and the silky red hair matted with blood.




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