The Med Bay Disaster

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BANG! Than red. Peter looked down and immediately regretted doing so. Shit! He thought, Mr Stark's going to kill me! He quickly shot a web and threw the gun out of the robbers hands, than webbed him to the wall where the cops could easily find him. He left as soon as possible, swinging as fast as he could, until the bullet wound in his side finally got to him and he passed out mid swing.

Beep. Beep. Beep.
Ahh, that one sound Peter easily recognises once he finally wakes up after an injury. This happens quite a lot. Peter gets hurt. Wakes up. There's a beeping. He's in the med bay at the Avengers Tower. Simple. He tried to sit up but felt a pain his left side, not enough to stop him from moving but enough to hurt him. He looked down to see that where his injury had been was now a bandage, and he was only wearing some sweats. After hearing his yelp from the sudden pain, Dr Cho walked into the room,

"Oh, hi Peter. How are you feeling?"She smiled at him.

"Um, surprised that it still hurts. Usually a bullet wound would be almost completely healed by now." Peter answered with a confused expression on his face.

"Peter you were actually shot twice, and than you fell unconscious mid swing and fell to the ground making it worse. Luckily, it wasn't high enough to break anything just give you some bruises. You should be okay, but don't move around too much." Dr Cho told him, putting some papers down on a desk.

"Oh Okay Dr Cho. Thanks." Peter turned and saw that the clock beside his bed said 11:03. "Oh shit!"

"Don't let Cap hear you" Dr Cho chuckled.

"I should've been at school hours ago! And we have a field trip today that I should've been at!" He suddenly remembered and started freaking out.

"Don't worry Peter, Tony already called in sick for you."she calmed him.

"Oh thank god!" Peter leaned back on his bed, relaxing and finally said "Well I think I'll go find Tony now to let him now I'm okay and tinker in the labs."

"Okay, be careful."
"Will do."


Ned had been texting Peter every half hour since the bus left, trying to warn him about the trip. No reply yet. If he didn't see the text, then this was going to be interesting. If Peter wasn't at school than he was most likely at the Tower, and that was coincidentally the place their class was going for their field trip. All the way there Flash was saying how scared Peter (or penis as he put it) was about them finding out his internship was fake, therefore didn't show up. MJ just sat there, next to Ned, reading her book and every now and than looking over at Ned's phone. She would show a slight smirk when she saw no reply.


Peter got up and out of the bed, still only wearing sweat pants and showing off his six pack apart from were the bandages where. There wasn't a shirt anywhere so he decided on just staying as he was and walking around like that. No one ever seemed bothered by it anyway. As he opened the door to his room, the only two things going through his head were: which lab would Tony be in? And I wonder where my class went for the field trip?

One of those was soon answered, as he looked up yawning and saw Rachel (an intern or sometimes tour guide) and Dr Cho talking about the med bay to a large group of students. His fellow students. Suddenly everyone was staring at him, the whole group completely silent.

"W-What?"Peter stuttered nervously, confused and embarrassed by all the attention.

"Wait, but that's just Parker?"
"Are you saying that he's Spiderman?!"
"Oh my gosh his abs are amazing!"
"He's hot!"
"Why is he injured?"
"Sorry Peter."

Peter's face turned red with embarrassment, mostly because of the complements on his abs. " U-Um, what's going on Dr Cho"

"I'm sorry Peter. They asked if any of the Avengers where currently in the med bay and I told them that Spiderman was in that room, but I thought you'd already left to go find Tony." Dr Cho explained feeling kind of guilty.

Than to make things more chaotic, The Tony Stark suddenly burst through the door telling everyone that he had been informed of the situation and going over to Peter.

"Hey Pete, you feeling better?" He casually asked.

"Yeah, but-" Tony cut him off "Don't worry about anything kid. I made sure that they all signed things to make sure they couldn't share anything important they learnt in the Tower, including your identity. You hear that kids? You tell anyone about Peter being Spiderman and I will sue your asses, make sure that you never get into a good university or even ever get a decent job. That clear?"

Everyone nodded."good"than he turned to Peter, "And you" he knew this was coming, "I told you that if you ever get injured to call me immediately! But what did you do? You carried on fighting with TWO bullet wounds and then fell unconscious mid swing and hit the ground! Kid, what were you thinking?!" Tony was yelling, worried now.

"Sorry Mr Stark. I didn't realise how injured I really was and I didn't want to bother you." Peter looked down at his feet.

"Peter, you would never be a bother to me. That's why I want you to call me next time okay?" He smiled down at the teen in front of him who smiled back and replied with an okay. The two hugged until someone exaggeratedly cleared their throat making them turn to face the person.Both males separated. It was Rachel, and Peter's class was still here.

Tony looked at the group, "okay, so I'm guessing you all have some questions. Ask away!" He winked at Peter and Peter just smiled back. The room was filled with chatter and a lot of raised hands.

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