Introducing Peter Parker to the Avengers

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To say that Peter was nervous was an understatement. He was terrified, but at the same time excited. He jumped at the idea of introducing himself to the other Avengers as Peter Parker and Spiderman, but than a few seconds later became absolutely horrified at the idea.

Tony wouldn't let him change his mind though since he'd already said yes, but he still didn't really want to do it anymore. Even though he felt like this, Peter was secretly really excited to meet the Avengers as Peter Parker instead of just Spiderman even if he wasn't really keeping it a secret.

"This is gonna be awesome! I get to meet the Avengers! I mean, I know I've already met them as Spiderman before but this time I'll be Peter Parker. But won't I still be Spiderman at the same time? We are telling them my identity. Wait, but what if they hate me!? What if they hate teenagers!? What if they're mad at me for fighting them!? What if Captain America's mad at me for stealing his shield!? What if-"

"Peter they'll love you! It's not possible for them to hate you, you're a great kid! Trust me, you'll be fine." Tony interrupted the rambling Peter next to him, giving him a reassuring smile as they reached the door to the communal floor currently occupied by the Avengers.

Peter took a deep breath than looked up at his mentor "Ok Mr. Stark"

The door flew swiftly open and the two males quietly slipped into the room, going unnoticed. Before Tony said anything, Peter took a quick look around: there was a huge tv in the middle of a large wall with three large couches, some bean bags and tables on the ground in front of it.

There were a few crisp packets laying abandoned on the floor and couches, and some crumbs too. In front of the couches was a smallish light brown table, with 4 people sat around it playing uno: Natasha, Clint, Rhodey and Scott. Steve, Bucky and Wanda and were playing too, he guessed, or just talking now since they didn't seem to be paying attention, and were sat on one of the couches.

Tony cleared his throat and they all turned to look at who had come in the room, everyone except Clint and Scott that is. "I am soo gonna win this." Clint gave Scott an smug look. Scott just smiled evilly back and placed his last card down "you sure about that?"

Clint slammed his card down on the table and yelled "That's not fair! You cheated!"

"You can't cheat in uno." Scott smiled back

"Yes, you-

"Could you stop having a tantrum and look over here please." Tony interrupted, not looking impressed. "I have someone I need to introduce you all to." Tony stepped to the side a little to fully reveal the boy hiding behind him.

"H-Hi, I'm Peter." Peter waved shyly

Clint went over to the couch and sat down, looking just as confused as the others. Than Steve finally said "I don't mean to be rude Tony, but why do we need to meet this kid and who is he?" Everyone else nodded wondering the same thing.

"This" Tony gestured to Peter "is Peter Parker, or as you know him as Spiderman."

Everyone froze, not knowing what to say. They had fought a kid. They had hurt a kid. That went against a lot of things they had ever said, especially Steve. Nobody knew exactly how they should react to the new piece of information they had just got. It wasn't like when Scott helped them, he was an adult. A grown man. Or at least as close as he would ever be to one. But Peter was just a kid. Spiderman was just a kid.

"YOU BROUGHT A KID TO FIGHT US!!!" Steve suddenly shot up and yelled, looking absolutely furious at Tony. Sure he had gotten into a few fights when he was kid, but he didn't fight superhumans like the Avengers. That could get a kid seriously hurt. "TONY, WHAT THE HELL!!!"

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