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3am, London time.


"Agent Yoo. Sorry to disturb you but there is an emergency"


As soon as she heard that it made her sit up.

The fellow agent explained the situation the best he could not knowing what kind of reaction to expect.

"Gone? What do you mean he's gone?"


Yoo Jeongyeon belonged to the large Royal Security team which job was to protect all the members of the korean royal family.

Two years has been since she graduated The DS Academy that trains all the carefully chosen agents that will work as security for the royals. And here she stands now, being the leader of Team A.

Jeongyeon excelled in her training as an agent but people talk and they like to say the young blonde only got to where she's right now because to her father.

Mr Yoo Hodong.

Mr Yoo is the boss and General in the Royal Security team. When it comes to issues regarding the security of the royal family, he always had the last word. He gives the orders, you follow them.

Jeongyeon got out of bed and as soon as she ended the call with her fellow agent, another one came in. Once she saw the caller's name she braced herself.

"Hello, Agent Yoo speaking, sir"

"Jeongyeon, I figure out you're aware of the current situation in the Palace, is that right?"

Jeongyeon stand straight just as if her father was in front of her. The blonde listened to his firm voice.

"Yes, sir"

"So far we got no luck so I need you to immediately check if the Princess knows something, my child. Once you do it, report it to the team. There is so much in risk Jeongyeon"

It wasn't necessary for him to remind her how serious it was, she knows. They don't have much time to come up with a solution before they have to actually face the problem.

"I will, sir"

The call ended abruptily.

The tall girl looked at the cellphone in her hand. She had a plan that could work and give them time.

Or that's what she thought.


Eyes opening slowly trying to adjust to the light. The ceiling being the first thing she sees unable to recognize the place where she was. She almost felt like having a hangover.

What the

The last thing she remembers was talking to Jeongyeon, nothing after that. She jumped from where she was lying in panic and looked at the windows. Oval shaped windows and all that she could see thought them was darkness. In front of her was the taller bodyguard waiting for her to wake up.

"You finally wake up"

A plane. They were in a damn plane - her family's jet to be more precise.

"What's the meaning of this?"

Kim Dahyun. Princess of Korea and third in line to the throne.

The team A was in charge of the princess' protection while she was in Korea, but once she decided to go and study abroad Jeongyeon was her personal bodyguard. Dahyun thought that having a whole security team was too much and not a good idea for her when all she wanted was to get to experience the normal life of a college student and a big group of bodyguards wasn't exactly normal.

"Listen, we don't have much time" Jeongyeon started. "I already explained the plan to the team and they will try to get—"

"What the hell are you talking about, Jeongyeon?!" Dahyun exclaimed looking lost and already feeling the nausea coming thanks to her getting easily dizzy whilte flying.

"Ok.. maybe you want to sit down for this one" Jeongyeon said and puts a hand on the princess' shoulder trying to make her take her seat. "Your brother is gone"

Minseok is gone.

That's right. Now she remembers. Jeongyeon went to her room and informed her about twin brother missing.

Dahyun got questioned about his whereabouts and of course she had no idea and she honestly didn't care. It was three in the morning and all she wanted was to get back to sleep, she had a 7am class with that one teacher she hates and not getting enough sleep would make the sitting in that class even worse. That being the last thing she remembers and then she woke up flying to who knows where courtesy of her bodyguard and childhood friend, Yoo Jeongyeon.

Wait, did she drug me to get me in here?!

"Minseok is gone, no one knows where he is." Jeongyeon said and handed Dahyun a bottle of water trying to help with the weakness she felt probably from whatever Jeongyeon used to make her sleep. "He left a message about wanting to look for freedom or some hippie crap like that."

Jeongyeon looked at Dahyun right in the eye as if silently trying to make her remember the situation her family was stuck with if her brother doesn't show up.

The korean government along the korean royal family have kept a move under their sleeves. Said idea was proposed by the Japanese Ambassador in Korea. Dahyun's twin brother Minseok was one of the most important pieces for an arrangement that would cause quite the impact in their nation. He was expected, as accorded by the Kim family, to marry the princess of Japan.

Two nations with a fragile relationship. The Korean government, after much consideration, went to the Royal family with what they considered to be a life changing idea, then saw it as the bridge that would unite them. They believed they have nothing to lose. The Korean Prince and the Japanese Princess. Two countries coming together thanks to their royals. Who doesn't love a fairlytale?

The Minatozaki family from Japan only had one daughter, so it had to be Minseok the one to take one for the team. More like, take one for the whole country. The Prince despised the idea. Being the free spirit he was he was not going to let them take his life away, not like that. So he ran away. Leaving everyone in the palace with a heart attack.

"So this is where you come in. You will replace your brother! Tadaah!" Jeongyeon exclaimed with a big smile and her hands moving as if she was presenting a surprise gift.

Dahyun looked at her, incredulously.

"Uhh, pardon me. Can you repeat it, I think I didnt hea—"

"You will have to replace your brother, but only to give us some time while we find him." Jeongyeon said in a more serious tone.

"You are crazy"

They had to be crazy, Dahyun thought.

"Like I said, there is not time. The General, and me along with the PR team heads will work together to make this work, Dahyun. We are the only ones who knows about it. Not even your parents."

The younger blonde girl just looked at her bodyguard, without words. This was too fast, it was too much. A moment ago she was in her warm bed dreaming about that chocolate cake she was going to get after school and now she was on a flight to South Korea all because her brother decided to play to follow his heart.

Fuck you, Minseok

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