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Dahyun groaned inwardly, as she ended the call to her personal banking account. There was no way they could issue this huge amount of cash in such a short notice. The most they could get was just a mere US$500,000, which she has ordered the bank to prepare within the next ten minutes. The inheritance decree set in place, too, restricted her to withdraw her share of the massive wealth of the royal family before she turns twenty-one. And there was no way she could ask anyone else for the money, without revealing the whole kidnapping crisis. Just a short moment ago, Sana was with joy written over her face and now, it was just her alone. Determined to get Sana back safely prompted her mind to turn fast. A nearby flyer distributor caught her attention and an idea flashed across.

"Where is the nearest printing shop?"


Chaeyoung stared wide-eyed at the prince once She knew his intention.

"You're not thinking of counterfeiting money, are you?"

"Just photocopying." Dahyun brushed it off.


"Enjoying the comfortable ride?"

Sana looked up at her captor with pure disdain. She could faintly see the disappearing skyline of towering buildings that define the bustling city through the dark-tinted windows. Beside her, Tzuyu was fuming angrily through her nostrils at the man's malice intention.

"Trying to figure where we're going?" The man taunted again. "Mind sharing your thoughts with us?"

Feeling the cold hard stares emitting from his captives, he sneered. "Oh, I almost forgot..."

He leaned forward, his face drew dangerously close to Sana's and the girl could smell the heavy cigarette stench from his breath. Sana turned her face away quickly but his hands shot out from the side, grabbing her head to face him forcefully. His hands slid down to caress the sides of her smooth cheeks. Sana immediately struggled against his grip, which only served to make his grip tougher.

"I forgot both of you couldn't talk..." He laughed hysterically, smothering out the duct tape that was already covering her mouth with his thumbs. The lecherous look on the thug's face further disgusted Sana. She shut her eyes tight when he pitched his face forward and whispered into her ear with a raspy breath.

Just then, the phone rang out loudly and to her momentary relief, he let go of his grip on her. Sana immediately broke free and slumped back to her seat, subconsciously drawing her body closer to Tzuyu. She watched cautiously as the man answered the call with a serious face.


Chaeyoung watched with disbelief as the neatly cut stacks of the poorly counterfeited bills were stuffed haphazardly into two large bags. The owner of the printing shop was sweating furiously with huge drops of sweat drops rolling down his balding head.

Just minutes ago, the shop owner was stunned to see the crown prince walking into his shop and demanded all the printers to stop their production to accommodate his huge order - thousands copies of the stacks of hundred dollar bills, claiming it was for a prop they needed for a party celebration. Dahyun had managed to keep a straight face, demanding his unreasonable request, despite the escalating anxiety within.

"Yeah, it's perfectly fine!" Dahyun lied blatantly as she lined the real stacks of cash at the top, hiding the fake notes at the bottom. She could only hope the kidnappers won't see through the trick so quickly, giving her ample of time to rescue the girls.

"Thanks for your fast service and... Have a good day!" Tapping on Chaeyoung's shoulder, she signalled her to leave the shop quickly, carrying the two heavy bags into the car.

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