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"Your Highness, are you sure about this?"


"We can always arrange for the media spokesperson-"

"I understand your concerns but this is my responsibility. Not gonna run away this time round," Minseok answered in a resolute tone. The two were just a door away from the curious media who have been given a last-minute notice about a press briefing.

Owning up to one's mistake was good but having the courage to own up to the entire nation was a greater challenge. Heavily scrutinised by public eyes since birth, such was the life of a royal in modern times. A single ill-fated mistake was all it would take to bring down a man's honour. Secrecy became the way of conduct and it had inevitably led up to the mishap to date.

Had the silenced truth from Taewoo and his mother been let out earlier; had the younger Prince Yesung went against his father and protected the one he had loved; perhaps, things would have been a little different now.

Not wishing to repeat history and to uphold the integrity of a royal, Minseok had decided he would be the one to face his people. After all these years, the young prince whom he had watched over has finally taken a grand step towards the making of a King. And that was the reason for the smile on the butler's face.

Sir Jae laughed as he adjusted the Royal insignia on the young prince's shoulder strap, "You had wore it the other way round."

"Hope you aren't going to retire anytime soon," Minseok commented just as he pushed the door open to a waiting crowd of cameras, lights and flashes.


"Looking very good today, Your Highness." The doctor commented, flipping through the clinical charts.

"Of course! I'm getting discharging today. No offence, but three weeks of hospital stay really bores me. And not to mention, I was entirely out in the first week." Dahyun voiced out, sitting at the corner of the bed as she waited patiently for the check-up to be over.

Sana who was standing by the side chuckled softly, "Well, at least you had two peaceful weeks here. Can't say the same for His Highness."

As anticipated, the sudden announcement of the annulment of the royal engagement between Prince Minseok and Princess Sana, made by Minseok himself in person two weeks ago, took both nations by surprise. The decision was made mutually; citing both parties' wishes to seek their own true loves.

"Don't worry about Minseok. He's probably still enjoying his holidays in the tropics, the best way to avoid media-"


With a loud bang, the door swung open widely as a sunburnt individual waddled in with huge shopping bags in arms. Minseok swiftly dumped the bags onto the bed, ignoring its occupant and rummaged through it before pulling out a huge pineapple, which he promptly offered to the doctor, thanking him profusely for taking care of his sister, much to Dahyun's embarrassment.

"Did you miss me? Glad I didn't miss your discharging ceremony."

"There isn't any ceremony!"

"Oh Sana! You're here too. Here, have some pineapples! Fresh from Hawaii!"

"Get out!"

A flying pillow hit Minseok at the back of his head just as he was about to offer Sana two Maui Gold pineapples.


The ride home was full of the twins' constant bickering and occasional remarks added by Jeongyeon. Sana watched on by the side quietly. She smiled at the trio's interaction.

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