back to school.

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I groan, hitting the alarm to stop it. "SKY, time to get up!!" My mom yells.
I get out of bed and walked towards my closet.I decide to wear a pair of dark blue jeans, a pink shirt and my Nike's.
I got to the bathroom, take a shower and get ready. I decided to let my hair hang. I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs.
"Morning mom." I say when I see her in the kitchen.

"Morning sweety, you look nice."
"Thanks" I reply as I fix me some cereal.
After I finished I cleaned my bowl and continue talking to my mom till I hear my bus hunk its horn. "By mom." I say as I grabbed my white gap jacket and kissed by mom goodbye
"By sweety,have fun good"
"I will!"I call as I grab my backpack, my luchbox and head out the door. I walk out of my lawn to see dylan running towards the bus.
"HEY DYL, HURRY UP" I yell after him. "IM COMING IM COMING" he yells after me. "Hi" he says slightly out of breath when he reaches me.
"Hi" I reply. We board the bus and sit next to each other.
"You know you could just walk over to my house, before the bus come, so we could walk out together instead of running all the way across the street."
I tell him, as if its the most obvious thing in the world.
He thinks about it for a bit before deadpanning and turning to me.
"I wish you would of sayed that earlier." He says giving me that "you didn't tell me sooner because...." look.
"I would've but I like seeing you suffer.
He glares at me,before shaking his head.
"Your mean." He says pretending he was sad.
"I know, I'm sorry, but it was,worth it."

Once we got to school dylan tells me how he attempted to get his mom to buy him a puppy.....attempted.

"Her words were and I quote.." dylan..I have one hyperactive spas to deal with..I don't need another "" he says.
All I could do is laugh...after all...she is right. Dylan is one of the !most sarcastic, hyperactive,spastic, adderall fuelled person you could ever meet...but that's what makes him cool and hilarious.

Soon we were both in class...did I tell you we have every class yes we do.
The day goes by slow but I don't noticed when I got my friend with me.

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