a new friend.

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Dylan's P.O.V
Its been two weeks since I met sky, and honestly, its been the best two weeks of my life.
We were currently camping with our parents, my mom and dad shared a tent. Yuck, I don't even want to think of what the could be doing.ech! Any way sky and I share a tent. We over heard our parents talking about it when my mom said, and I quote"guys, don't worry there only ten, what could they possibly be doing in there, I trust them its not like they'll make out or anything." When we were heard this we were instantly grossed out. "eeeeww!! Gross, why would they say that "I say totally grossed out at our parents dirty minds.
"I don't know but I wish they stop." She responded equally grossed out.
We continued to listen to our parents when they started wispering. Me and sky looked at each other confused before turning back to our parents. My mom and dad looked at each other before kissing. Me and sky both ran away screaming. "OH MY GOD!!! THATS DISGUSTING!!!!!!" We both scream while quickly getting in our tent zipping it up and hiding under our own blackets.
"Oh my god, they were totally eating each others face off."sky says, as well both shudder from the memory of what we just saw.
Seconds later we hear our parents laughing as they aprouched our tent.
"Sky, dylan ,come out for a sec." My mom says.
"WERE GOOD!!" We both yell from out of our blankets.
We hear out tent being Unzipped and our parents coming in before both our blankets are grabbed off Of us. We both scream and try to run but they caught us laughing.
"What where you screaming at?" my mom asked us.
"Nothing!" We reply quickly still trying to get away.
My mom laughed before trying to kiss my cheek.
"AAWW MOM!!!, GROSS!!!" I yell getting out of her grip and me and sky ran out of the tent screaming.
Our parents just laughed.
"Oh you mean this"my mom says before kissing my dad again.
Me and sky screams and run away. "MY EYES ARE BURNING!!!" I scream, highly disgusting.
"If you guys come back we'll have s'mores!" My mom says. Me and sky look at each other before putting our hand over our eyes peaking a bit walking slowly toward our parents.
They just laughed at us. But it was not funny, it was freaking disgusting! I nearly threw up. Oh my god I still have nightmares about it. That's about the worst punishment ever to witness. Ech!


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