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for those who do not know, OhmWrecker had a dog named Buddy (you can see him on Ohm's Instagram)

key word had

Buddy passed away today, Buddy was old so there were medical and health problems but as Ohm said he passed the point of when the vet said Buddy would die.

Buddy was strong, he kept on going even though the vet said he only had a few months to live, Buddy stayed alive well over when they said, he was a good boy.

I was watching Ohm's live stream and I may not remember it word by word but this is how he got Buddy.

I don't want to say the full story because I don't want to say it as I remember then have everyone believe what could be false information, But what I will say is Ohm wasn't suppose to keep Buddy, he wasn't expecting to fall in love with the little puppy but he did.

and with this came his name, Ohm said he wasn't sure on a name since he wasn't keeping him (or so he thought) so he just started calling the dog Buddy as in

"hey Buddy"

"What's up Buddy"

"You're my Buddy"

like Buddy but not as a name specifically, but when Ohm kept Buddy he just didn't change the way he called the dog over by using the word Buddy, so like any dog learns to respond to a name, Ohm's dog learned to respond to Buddy  

Ohm knew Buddy's time was near and he said (In live streams) that most of the time recently he was spending more and more time with Buddy making sure he was a happy dog.

everyday he streamed chat would always be sending Buddy love, and we will continue to, Buddy made his marks in everyone's hearts and he will forever be loved by Ohm's fans and of course Ohm himself.

In case people don't use twitter here's what Ohm had to say.

"I lost my best friend today, it has been easily the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with. He was the best thing that ever happened to me, and truly loved unconditionally. Thank you Buddy for coming into my life. You will forever be in my heart, I miss you so much already."

along with this picture of Buddy 

(I'm not trying to be mean by putting this here.)

So make sure to send all your love to Ohm and Buddy :)

may he rest in peace.

<3 <3 <3

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