I hate society

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All the time

They fall

All the time

No one cares

At any time

No one wants to care

The don't even try

But I can't stop

I have to care

About what happens

Because it affects me

And my family

I don't know if anyone would care

If my mother was dead,

My brothers, on the streets,

Trying to be normal, but failing to succeed

When I grow up

I will have to try

To help them,

I can't leave them,

They can't exist on their own

No one else would care

No one else would want to

No one else would be patient

I can't make them care

What would my brothers do if I died?

What would my mother do if I died?

What would my family do if I died?

Would they survive?

I don't make money for them,

My mother does the work

I'm honestly not that helpful,

I don't really try

But when my mother's gone

Early, as usual

And I'm left, fresh out of college

With three mourning boys

Who can't take care of themselves

When everyone who loves them is gone

Except me

What will I do?

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