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The day before the all-too frightening vision-dream, Nina was in a meeting in Charles's study with Charles himself, Peter, Scott, Ororo, Kurt, and Hank. The meeting was interrupted by a sudden agitated yelling out in the hall, followed by Colossus's booming voice and heavy accent. They all looked to see Wade Wilson, without his Deadpool suit, wandering the halls while shouting, the source of all the yelling. He didn't seem to notice them, too busy with his shouting. Nina slipped out of the room while Hank closed the doors.

"Wade," she said gently, slowly approaching him.

He appeared to jump slightly - he had just been yelling asking where everyone was. "Oh, oh hey, Shorty."

To this she just rolled her eyes, by now used to his countless comments and jokes on her small stature. "You're here."

"Yeah, I sure am, Captain Obvious. Colossus brought me - and against my own will, I might add."

"Wade, I heard about Vanessa - I'm so sorry for your loss."

"Oh, does everyone know now?" He was obviously trying to sound angry, but promptly broke down, dramatically falling to his knees so he could be at a better level to hug her. "It's my fault," he sobbed.

"Shh, don't say that, that's not true." She returned the hug.

"Yes, it is! How do you know?!"

"I'm sure you did everything you could."

"We were gonna start a family," he added softly with a sniffle.

"Oh, Wade. I'm so sorry. Is there anything we can do to help?"

"He needs us," broke in Colossus.

"No I don't!" countered Wade, still crying.

"I'm with Colossus on this one," Nina agreed. "Right now, you could use some support. Wade, how long have you been wishing to be apart of the X-Men? This is your chance."

"That was before I lost everything that mattered to me."

"Listen, Wade," began Colossus, but Wade broke in.

He whirled around, facing the tall metal man, practically fuming he was so angry. "No, you listen you hulking pile of annoying metal! I don't need your help and I DON'T WANT IT!" With that he charged furiously down the hall, stepping into a room and slamming the door. Nina and Colossus could only watch in shock following his outburst.

"I'll get Negasonic, we'll deal with this," Colossus said after heaving a heavy sigh. "He's still in mourning, best let him take some time, then come to us when he's ready. You go back to your meeting, Nina."

"Alright," she agreed, though her gaze still lingered on the doorway which Wade had just stormed through. "Let me know if you need any help." And with that she returned to the others in the meeting.

That night, she had the vision, that haunting nightmare of a dream.

Meanwhile, across the city, a man arrived in town, having crossed timelines, unbeknownst to them his arrival simultaneous with her vision-dream.

But unlike a dream, which you could awaken from, this was real.

(Thank you for showing this story some love! :) I hope you're enjoying so far! Thanks so much for reading and more to come soon!)

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